Chapter 10 -Miss you-

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(Gray pov)

Everybody looked at me with a shocked expression especially Lucy.

"Gray, you killed Juvia long lost sister!"

"WHAT! No I didn't! I did not kill Juvia's sister and I didn't even knew she had a sister!"

Juvia walked up to me slowly and tugged my jumper sleeves and looked up at me. Her beautiful blue eyes were starring into mine but hers were teary and sad.

"Gray, can I talk to you" Juvia said to me in a soft voice.

I nodded and she walked out of the guild and into the park I followed her. It was really weird silence. Juvia stopped and sat down on the grass. This was the spot we had our picnic.

"Gray, I don't know if you killed my long lost sister or not but I do know that you breaked my heart!"

"What? Break....your heart, I don't understand!"

"Oh I know everything you done to me Gray, I looked up to you, cared for you, did basically EVERYTHING for you!"

"I don't understand"

"Gray you know perfectly well of what I am saying! You gave me a potion so that I wouldn't love you anymore!"

"What! You knew this whole entire time! You didn't even-"

"Gray I think I could see the weird colour changing of the drink and the weird bubbles coming from it when you put that potion in that drink! I just faked drink it, fake fainted , changed everything about me and wow you seem really happy that I don't have feelings for you anymore and I thought you had feelings for me. But I guess you don't! Your just a big JERK! Good luck with Lucy the one who you really actually care about!"

Oh my god! I didn't know Juvia knew this whole time! I feel so bad. I need to go talk to Lucy about this!

Juvia walked away I could hear her crying she was walking to James and they were walking together to somewhere.

Oh Juvia, I miss you already.

(Next day)

I woke up my head feeling really dizzy, Juvia words were inside my head. She knew this whole time.....

I need to find Lucy today and told her what happened after all she was the one who told me to give her the potion. Wait, Juvia didn't even drink the potion she just pretended to so I not sure if the potion actually works or not. So many questions are going through my head.

(Time skip 15 minutes later)

I tired to look for Lucy I really needed to talk to her. I saw Lucy sitting on a bench looking at the clear blue sky.



"Lucy, you know when you were telling me about that potion and everything?"


"Well, Juvia fake drink the potion and she actually knew this whole entire time and now she is really upset and I don't know what to do?!"

"Wait, so Juvia didn't drink the potion?"

"Yes, but now she is really angry at me"

"Well that's alright because you have me now, Gray"

I looked at Lucy eyes. Her eyes were so pretty and her cheeks were red. She leaned closer to me and kissed me.


"Gray, I have feelings for you not Natsu"

"But, I thought you liked Natsu"

"Nah, he doesn't love me back. Come to the restaurant tomorrow at 6 pm, I will see you there"

Lucy walked off with a grin on her face. I don't know what to do. I should be so happy that Lucy loves me and she even kissed me but I am not, because I miss Juvia...
Author's note : So I guess Juvia just faked the whole thing and she never drank the potion she just faked it to see how Gray would react and oh my gosh did Lucy just kiss Gray!!! I hope this chapter wasn't too confusing sorry if it was. Just comment if you don't understand what's happening and I will try explain it. Bye don't forget to vote and comment! (-^〇^-)

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now