Chapter 4 -I don't want to break your heart-

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(Five days later after the restaurant)

-Gray pov~-

It was a normal day in fairy tail. I was thinking about the time I went to the restaurant with Lucy, Natsu and Juvia. We saw Natsu walking with a strange figure but he never told us who it was. When we followed the direction he went, he was punching a stranger and we all got kicked out. 

I saw Juvia waved and ran up to me. 

"Oh gray!!!! Juvia thinks today will be a great day to spend some time together like a picnic in the forest!" 


"Yes Juvia is very happy that Gray-sama can come"

"Um... Juvia sorry I don't think I can come"

"But Gray always wants to make Juvia happy. Like one day when Juvia forgot her money, Gray-sama gave her some of his money. When Juvia is sad Gray-sama is always there to cheer her up! Juvia read in Gray-sama's  diary that Gray has feelings for Juvia"

Everybody turned and looked at us.

"OTP!" Mirajane screamed out of nowhere. 

"Meet Juvia at the blossom tree at 4:00 for the picnic bye Gray-sama!" 

Questions started appearing in my head.

How do I tell Juvia I don't have any feelings for her and I use to when I first met her and now I have feelings for lucy?

What do I do at 4:00 at the picnic with Juvia in the forest?

How do I tell her without breaking her heart?

I wish I could make her not love me anymore so I didn't have to break her heart.

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now