Chapter 6 -Waiting for him-

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(Juvia pov)
I grabbed my handbag and locked my door. It is time to have a picnic with Gray-sama. I quickly walked to where we were suppose to meet each other which was at the blossom tree. The blossom tree was so pretty and romantic!

I took my phone out of my handbag and checked the time. It was 4:00 now. Gray should be coming by now. 5 minutes had passed and I was getting tired of waiting. I should get Gray-sama a present.

I was running to the nearest gift store when I saw a strange figure come up to me.


I stopped running and turned around. Somebody had said my NAME!


"Juvia, I have come to warn you! Somebody who you love will poison your heart!"

"WHAT! Juvia wants to know who you are NOW!"

The strange figure went closer to me. I couldn't quite see who it was.

"Come closer Juvia don't be scared you will be surprised once you see me!"

I went closer the strange figure was somebody I knew!

"Natsu helped me at the restaurant one time so I am helping everybody who is friends with him! You must go home now the person you love will poison your heart!"

"The only person who Juvia loves is Gray-sama! Juvia does not believe you that he will poison me because Gray loves Juvia!"

I ran away back to where the blossom tree was. I don't believe one thing she said. Natsu might have helped her back at the restaurant but Gray would never ever hurt my feelings!

Authors note: Hi you guys! Thanks for reading my story sorry for the really short chapters. So we got a mystery! The person which Natsu helped is the same person who told Juvia that somebody she loves will poison her heart! Please vote and comment! Bye! (/^▽^)/

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now