Chapter 9 -James-

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(Gray pov)

It's been passed two weeks and it feels really good that Juvia isn't following me around so much she is mostly hanging around Lucy, Erza and Levy.

I am sitting down on the grass at the park looking at the clear blue sky with my hands in my pocket jeans when Juvia walks over to me.

"Hey Gray what you doing?"

"Hi Juvia, wait did you get a new hair style?"

Juvia hair use to be up to the length of her shoulders with big curly hair now she has long hair with small curls at the end.

"Yeah I changed it. What are you doing?"

"Just looking at the sky"

"It's weird how everybody is telling me I change a lot and I used to like be obsessed with you or something"

"Oh uh...."

"I just got a text from James"

"Wait, what James WHO IS THAT?"

"A friend I met he is so kind and oh my gosh so amazing. He is coming to visit me tomorrow"

"James your friend?"

"Yea, why you look kinda surprised?"

"Uh no, not surprised at all"

"Now do you wanna go take a walk with me in the park?"

"No sorry got to go fix up my room to the colour pink!"


"Yeah, it's my favourite colour"

"I thought blue was your favourite colour?"

Juvia shook her head and walked off.

(Next day)

I decided to take a morning walk around the park. I then saw Juvia with this guy it was probably James I walked over to them.

"Oh hi Gray! This is James my friend all the way from Spain!"

"Oh yeah, hi James. Do you want to walk with me around the park Juvia?"

"Sorry not right now I am showing James around"


"Lets go now Juvia you have more things to show me don't you"

"Yeah we got to get going now, bye Gray"

Juvia walked away while James slowly followed her.

(Next day)

We were all sitting down doing our normal daily things at the guild Fairy Tail. I was talking to Natsu and Lucy about some things.

Juvia walked into the guild suddenly crying. Everybody ran over to her.

"Juvia what happened?"

"What's wrong Juvia?"

"Somebody, somebody killed" Juvia said and started crying even more.

Everybody was so worried about Juvia.

James rush inside the guild and ran over to us where we were crowding around Juvia.


Authors note: Hey you guys, hope you like this chapter sorry it kinda boring but it will get more interesting soon!

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now