Chapter 15 -Erza-

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(Gray pov)

Everyone turned and looked at me with a 'WTF' look on there face.

"What are you saying Gray? I think you need to go and have a rest or something" Natsu said.

Everyone agreed with Natsu and nodded their head.

"No! I am telling you she did try to kill Juvia I am not joking!"

(Erza pov)

I carried my suit case and headed back to unpack all my things. I had just gotten back from a job and it took three whole days because it was a solo job and I even got to be in a play and I earned so much money!

I had a quick shower, changed clothes and combed my long red head. It was time to head over to the guild everyone must really miss me because I have been gone for three whole days. I walked over to the guild and open the door. I stood there while everybody starred at me.

Gray walked up to me really slowly while everybody starred at us.

"What's going on?

"You tried to shoot Juvia........"

"What when did I shoot Juvia? I was on a job for three whole days..... I don't understand what you are saying!"

"I know you shot her! She could have been dead!"

Gray punched me in the face I landed face first on the floor. It didn't hurt that much but it hurts that Gray actually did that like punch me! Why would he do that? I am his friend!

Lucy ran over to me and helped me up. Everyone was in shock of what just happened.

(Gray pov)

I am just so angry! I don't know why I would punch Erza but she tried to kill Juvia!

"Why would you do that Gray, in fact how dare you do that to Erza she is our friend!" Lucy shouted at me her face was all red with anger.

"Says the person who told me to get that potion for Juvia and kisses me and doesn't even tell Natsu!"

"What, when did I ever tell you such a thing, Juvia is my friend and why would I kiss you!"

"I know you told me! You told me to give that woman who sells the potion this red ruby necklace!"

Everybody starred at me with the 'WTF is wrong with you' look.

"I swear I did not kiss Gray ever in my life, I swear I never told him to get a potion so Juvia can not love him anymore! I swear I never ever done that!"

The guild door slammed open and James stood there walking towards us.

"Gray, Erza, Lucy oh and perhaps Juvia you have all been tricked! I am the girl who you saw shooting Juvia, I am the person who told Juvia that you were going to poison her. I was Lucy the one who kissed you. You see....I can change into people. Gray, I changed into Lucy and told you to get the potion and give it to Juvia! I changed into Erza so stupid Gray would think it was Erza who shot Lucy! I tricked Juvia to think that I was her friend. I have fooled you all!"

James threw some magical dust at us and we all suddenly fainted. My head felt dizzy.....everything was going blurry I could see James laughing his eyes turning red glowing.

So if you don't really understand what the hell is going on then I will try explain it so I don't have comments saying they don't understand or whatever. James from before who said he was leaving is actually evil and tricked everybody. He can change and look like other people. He tricked Gray and turned into Lucy so Gray would think Lucy told him. He can be two people at the same time, when he changes into somebody else like qhen he changed into Erza and shot Juvia and he was also there calling the ambulance so he could trick Gray more. So sorry if its a bit hard to understand please forgive me.

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now