Chapter 18 -Works spoken-

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(Juvia pov)

I quickly ran over to Gray tears pouring down my cheeks. I rested my face on his stomach and hugged him.

"Gray, don't die I didn't die when you told me.......not too"

"Juvia I am sorry for everything I have been a real jerk to you. I am a big jerk to everybody. You don't deserve to be treated meanly. I always ignored you before every time you tried to be friendly. I would never care about your feelings before.....and I even tried to give you a potion so you wouldn't love me anymore....." Gray was speaking softly and slowly he could hardly talk.

"Gray, I forgive you and please don't call yourself a jerk or mean because your not mean or a jerk"

"Juvia......I know that you will have a happy life....your going to become successful beautiful person. The guild will be strong and happy still. Juvia you will find a good boyfriend start a family. Your nice, generous and always care about people......"

"Gray, I would never love somebody the only person I love is you"

Gray holds my hand and looks at me. Blood was still pouring all over his face.

"I will always love you Juvia and I always will......I always had....I was too scared to show it before....."

I kissed Gray in the lips and he kissed me back.

"This is the end of me Juvia......don't give up on finding love again I will always be there for you!"

"No! Gray your going to survive I know that! We can survive this together and live happily! Gray! Don't die please"

Gray heart stopped pumping, his eyes closed slowly he wasn't breathing......

Gray had died.........

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now