Chapter 8 -Love Potion-

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Juvia had fainted I rested her head on my knee and looked at her.

"Juvia wake up please!"

Juvia opens her eyes and looks at me.

"What happened? I think My head bumped into something!"

"Juvia your not speaking in third person and no you didn't, say Juvia do you have feelings for me?"

"Uh no and are we on a date or something because why does it look like we are having a picnic. I am just going to go now bye"

Juvia walked away from me.

I jumped in the air for joy and quickly followed her.

"So what are you going to do now?"

"Why are you always following me I need some peace. I am heading back to the guild"

"Ok then, then let me come with you"

We walked to the guild together where everyone was.

"Hi guys and also I am so over with this guy Gray"

Everybody starred at us while Lucy winked at me.

"WHAT, Juvia over Gray!" Someone said.

"I don't believe it" another person called out.

"I am going to go sit with Erza and Lucy"

"Wait you always sit with me"

"No way I will sit with you next week ok, geez you follow me around a lot"

I sat down with Natsu. Well at least Juvia isn't following me anymore.

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now