Chapter 14 -Visting you-

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A\N: So this story is going pretty well. We still have two mysteries one which is who shot Juvia and its somebody in the guild and the mystery person which Natsu helped at the restaurant which the mystery person told Juvia about Gray breaking her heart. This chapter will solve some mysteries and has some Gruvia moments. Enjoy!


(Juvia pov)

The sun beamed through the class window. I opened my eyes and rubbed them. I really wanted to go back home but I had to stay in hospital. The hospital was pretty boring and all I did most of the time was eat jelly and sleep.

I was eating my break fast which was of course jelly when the door opened I saw Gray in his hand was a present.

"Juvia are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, I am feeling a bit better"

"Juvia, I brought you something" Gray hands me a present.

"Thanks Gray" I smile at him.

"The guild is so worried about you. But I have a question to ask you Juvia"

I looked at the present it was beautiful wrapped in blue wrapping paper and had a red ribbon on top. I opened it to see a beautiful cute blue cat plushie and a cute flower headband.

"Gray, thank you so much. I will treasure this cat plushie because it reminds me of you and will wear this head band so it will make me think about you every day"

I hugged Gray and Gray hugged me back.

"Your welcome Juvia I will do anything for you. But who shot you with a gun?"

"I am not sure but I am certain that it was the same person who told me you were going to poison me"

"Poison you?"

"Yes, the person who shot me was the same person which Natsu helped and was the person who told me you were going to poison me. But my memory is not good so I can't remember what the person looked like"

"So Natsu saw this person. I am sure Natsu knows who the person he helped and looked like. So what have you been doing Juvia?"

Gray checked his watched and noticed the time.

"Sorry Juvia I think visiting time is over I will come visit you tomorrow. Hope you like my present"

"Bye Gray, Juvia will miss you"

"Speak in third person more Juvia it makes you sound better"

Gray closed the door and walked away. I looked at my cat plushie and smiled at it.

I hugged my cat plushie and fell alseep.

(Next day)

(Gray pov)

I couldn't go and talk to Natsu after my visit with Juvia yesterday because he is going on a beach holiday with Lucy. Today in the afternoon everybody will be going in front of the guild and telling everybody what they learn't about the other person which they have been partnered with for the day.

(Time skip 20 minutes later)

It was time to go visit Juvia again. I went to her room and knocked on her door.

"Juvia it's me Gray again"

"Oh hi Gray, Juvia made you something"

Juvia holded up a drawing of me.

"It's not quite finished yet"

"Oh, well thank you Juvia and here I got you something"

"Gray-sama doesn't need to always get Juvia something"

Juvia smiled at me and opened up the present. It was a pretty blue necklace with pears on it.

"Oh gosh Gray it's beautiful"

Suddenly, the window broke in millions of pieces and a woman landed into Juvia's room she was holding up a gun and was pointing it at her.

"Don't you dare shoot that thing at Juvia"

She putted down the gun. The police quickly came into Juvia room. The woman who was holding up the gun quickly jumped out of the window. I could see that the person had red scarlet hair and was probably in our guild Fairy tail because she had the fairy tail logo on her shoulder.

"Is everybody alright!" The police told us to calm down.

They carried Juvia to another room and called some people to investigate and fix the broken window.

I quickly rushed back to the guild and saw Natsu sitting down talking with Lucy.

"Natsu, Natsu I quickly need your help. Who was the person who you helped at the restaurant?"

"Oh that was Erza Sacrlet"


Erza is part of the guild, Erza has red scarlet hair.....

"Erza tried to kill Juvia!"

So did Erza shoot Juvia or is there a different person with red hair and belongs to the guild? Find out in the next chapter! I think this story will go up to chapter 20 or 25 or maybe possibly chapter 30. Keep reading guys. Thanks for commenting and voting and for reading!

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now