Chapter 13 -Do anything for you-

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(Gray pov)

I looked at Juvia tears coming down on my cheeks. She wasn't breathing, she wasn't moving James was calling the ambulance he was talking on the phone to somebody I could see a small grin on his face. Why was he smiling......

The ambulance arrived they carried Juvia into the van and took her to the hospital they thanked me and James.

"Who could have done this to her!"

"I am leaving"

"What why are you leaving, where are you going?"

"Home of course I just came to visit Juvia tell her my feelings for her and I did"

"Your just going to walk away!"

"Well, Juvia doesn't need me she had you now. There isn't any point of me staying. She probably gonna be in hospital for weeks and besides my parents keep calling me telling me to go back home because they miss me"


"But Gray, I know you killed her long lost sister and everything but please take care of Juvia for me. She has lots of feelings for you and don't be a heart breaker. I wish Juvia the best luck of her being alive and good bye!"

James just walked off leaving me all by myself. I walked back to the guild to tell them about everything but nobody was there besides Gramps. Everybody was gone to do something with their partner for the day.

I explained the whole story to Gramps he looked quite shocked and mad at the same time.

"I can't believe somebody would do this to Juvia! She could be dead right now!"

"I will go try figure it out what to do"

I am going to go visit Juvia and see if she is ok.

I walked to the hospital and told one of the nursers to which room Juvia was in. She was in number 224.

I finally found the room 224 and opened the door slowly.


"Gray is that you?"

Juvia was in bed. She looked seriously injured but she smiled when she saw me.

"Juvia I am here and sorry James left today he said he wanted to go home
Are you alright?"

"James left?"

She could hardly talk probably.

"Yes I am sorry that I didn't save you I should have"

"It is alright Gray"

"But who would shoot you like that!"

"It was somebody in the guild"

"What! Who, who was it Juvia!"

"It was...."

The door opened the nurse came in.

"Visiting time is over Juvia needs some rest now"

The nurse pushed me out of the room. I walked slowly back home I was thinking about everything that happened.

I ignored her all this time and I never once had a feeling for Juvia before....

I am a heart breaker to Juvia....

I couldn't save her and now she has a chance of loosing her life......

I need to find out who shot her!

How could it be somebody from the guild?

I love you Juvia, and I will find out who shot you with a gun even if it kills me!

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now