Chapter 12 -Those three words-

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(Gray pov)

We were going to go to the park together when we saw James. James didn't have a partner because he was not in the guild Fairy Tail and was just a friend of Juvia's visiting.

He went up to Juvia with an annoyed face and did mean glares at me.

"Juvia, I bet your having a horrible time with this person!" James told Juvia and looked at me.

"Actually, we just went fishing and it was quite fun"

"But, Gray killed your long lost sister!"

"I didn't even know who my long lost sister was"

"Why don't you go away James!" I ran up towards James.

"Gray you stay away from Juvia you broke her heart too many times"

"At least I not a person like you, James who doesn't mind their own business"

James punched me in the face and I punched him the face back.

"Stop fighting!"

"You know what! Juvia you choose who is better me or this retard here!"

"Yeah, me Gray the person who known you forever or this random kid who came up to you"

Juvia had a shocked worried face.

"I don't know both of you are my friends"

(Juvia pov)

I really didn't know who to pick. Maybe James? But I don't really know James that much and he can be sometimes bossy. But if I pick Gray it would give me bad memories of him trying to give me that potion which made him not love him anymore.

"Juvia please choose me. I love you with all my heart and you like a beautiful flower to me" James said to me and he looked so pissed off at Gray.

"Juvia, you are my best friend and without you in my life I don't know what I will do. Every time you come and you fuss over me it looks like I am annoyed but it makes me happy to see you. Your so pretty and I know that our friendship or even more will last forever"

That was so kind and one of the best things Gray has ever said to me!

Suddenly I heard a gun shooting.

"Juvia Watch Out!!!" Gray called out.

A person with a gun was shooting it at me. Then my heart stopped working, I couldn't feel myself move,it was getting harder to breathe.

"Juvia! Nooooo! Don't please don't die! Quick James call the ambulance!"

"Hello this is James! Please come here quick Juvia just got shot by a gun"

I could hear Gray crying and shouting at me telling me not to die until he said suddenly,
"I love you Juvia"

I couldn't hear anybody voices at all now. But if this is the end for me at least I am happy to hear those words from Gray that he .........loves me.

A\N: Hey you guys! Hope you enjoy reading this story don't worry its not the end of the story yet. Will Juvia be alive or has her time come to death? Please keep reading this story.

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now