Chapter 20-One Day with you- (Final Chapter)

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(Juvia pov)

"This is going to be the best and last day ever with you guys!" Gray said and stood on the table while everybody cheered.

We were going to go to the movies, go on a hike and then go back to the guild and have a party at night until its 12:00

Gray got to choose which hike we were going to take, what movie we were going to watch.

"Lets watch a horror movie!"

"I don't like horror movies they are scary" Wendy stammered.

(At the movie theatre's)

We all sat together beside me on the left was Gray and on the right was Erza. We all enjoyed the movie and screamed a lot. It was the end of the movie and Natsu and Lucy were throwing popcorn at each other.

"I am going to have nightmares for ever" Wendy cried, Carla tried to calm her down.

"Time for our hike now!"

(At the hike)

"My legs are killing me I can't keep going any longer!"

"Well...I am sweating like crazy because of this heat and all this heavy armour"

"Fine, we can take a rest now"

We all sat down on some rocks and looked at the pretty view.

"I am thirsty I want water!" Lucy complained and putted her empty drink bottle back in her backpack.

"Juvia thinks we should all play a game!"

"Yes, what about a running race? Or hide and seek or truth or dare, or we can just head back home?"

We played a quick game of Hide and seek and then walked back home so we can now Party!

It's 11:30 pm and I really wanted to spend some time with Gray.

Everybody was having fun, drinking, dancing and talking to each other.

"Hey Juvia, can I talk to you please"


I walked outside with Gray onto the balcony the stars were shinning really brightly.

"I missed you Gray so much....I just wish I could see you forever not just for one day. I am going to miss you so much"

Tears kept coming down my face the thought that this was the last time I would see him just made me cry.

"Juvia, I will always be watching over you and listening I will be always be in your heart"

I hugged Gray and he hugged me back.

"Oh its one more minute until its 12:00"

"I love you Gray and always will"

Gray kissed me and I kissed him back I closed my eyes thinking about all the great times I had with Gray. When I opened my eyes he was gone......

I looked up at the night sky the rest of the guild came and looked up at the night sky with me.

"Gray will always be here for us and will always be part of the guild"

A shooting star appeared and everyone closed their eyes and made a wish.

I wished that I will never ever forget Gray and that I will always love him and he will always love me.........

The End

A\N: Thank you all for reading this story it makes me so happy that people are reading it. I will be making another Gruvia Fan fiction maybe. Thanks for reading this story and you are awesome!

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now