Chapter 3 -strange person-

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Chapter 3, sorry for so many switches of 'People's Pov' enjoy and please keep reading it!


Gray's pov. 

"Lucy what is it?" I asked when we were alone together outside behind the restaurant. 

"Well Gray you sorta have been acting a bit weird is there something wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"Every time you see me you sort of...well how do I say this?"

"Say what?"

"You keep daydreaming and dazing off every time I am around. It's just..."

Of course I do that Lucy, I love you just wish I could tell you...

Juvia Pov.

Oh when will Lucy and Gray-sama come back!!!! I am getting pretty worried! I quickly rush behind the restaurant I see Lucy and Gray they are talking about something!


"Huh what? JUVIA!" Gray looks at me as I rush over to him.

"Gray-sama, Juvia was very worried about you two! What are you talking about?" I asked them.

"What were you about to say Lucy?" Gray said.

"Um......never mind"

"So...I um...just wanted to say Lucy that I sort of wanted to u-uh I you see...I r-really, re-really, reeeeeallly, lik-"

I had to do something before Gray-sama TOLD LUCY! Then I would not even have a single chance of ever being with him at all. 

"Lets go back inside I think Natsu will be back by now" Lucy broke the awkward silence between us. 

I looked at Gray and smiled at him I was glad that he didn't tell Lucy. He rolled his eyes at me looking pissed off. I wonder why...maybe I just need to try harder to get his attention. 

Natsu Pov. 

I quickly rushed to the rest room I would hate to miss out on all that food! I open the door to the rest room and is it disgusting. There are swear words all over the walls and the taps are dripping water. All the toilets are really gross and the flush isn't even working. There is only one person in the rest room. So I wait for him to come out.

I keep waiting....and waiting....

Then I suddenly hear crying!

"Um....hello is someone crying? I have been waiting to use the toilet"

"Oh is someone there?"

"Uh yes why are you crying?"

It was really weird to be talking to a person going to the toilet who I don't even know who it is and also that this person is crying.

"It's not really a big deal anyway"

"Just come out so I can help you with this and I also really need to go to the toilet as well!"

"Oh sorry Natsu"

"Wait how do you know my name!?"



"Wait what the hell NO!"

The person inside the toilet stall slowly opens it. 

"Ok just wait out here so I can quickly go to the toilet"

When I looked to see who the person was I think I was going crazy and about to faint. 

Gray Pov. 

Lucy, Juvia and I were all sitting down waiting for Natsu to come back from the restroom and for the food to come. Our drinks had arrived though. Lucy was talking to us about her life before she joined Fairy Tail.

Juvia kept coming closer and closer. I was getting sorta freaked out. 

"Gray-sama would you like me to get you something?" 

" thanks"


"Yes Juvia?"

"Juvia wonders what did you think of Juvia when we first met?"


We saw Natsu come out of the restroom we all thought he was going to come over to our direction but he turned and walked away.

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now