Chapter 17 -Rescued-

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(Gray pov)

I was so angry at James! I need to find a way out of her rescue my friends and save Juvia! I will kill myself is James even dares to touch Juvia or make my friends be his servants. I tried everything this cage was too strong....tears started to fall down on my cheek.

I stood there feeling so foolish when I saw Natsu and the rest of the guild.

"Gray! We busted out of that stupid cage and quickly rushed over here!"

"Guys! I am so sorry that this happened but you must go right now, he is going to make you his servants!"

"I wanna punch his face until he never sees the day light ever again!"

"He is going to kill Juvia, he changed into me and now....I think it's too late"

"Gray, think positive she is probably need to go and save her!"

"But I can't get out!"

Lucy did her 'Lucy kick' and the cage door fell down.

"Thanks guys, I have to go save Juvia before its too late! I am so sorry everybody"

"No problem we will give that James guy a surprise of his life when he comes back here, nobody messes with our guild!"

I nodded and ran off. I must find Juvia....I have too!

I ran as fast as I could quickly to the hospital and up the stairs.

I could see James pretending to me and he was hugging Juvia he was slowly going closer and closer holding a knife so he could stab her in the back.


Juvia turned around. James dropped his knife and transformed back into himself.

"Well, who do we have here!"

"Don't you dare touch her you big meanie!"

"James I thought you left! Why did you try to kill me! Gray what is going on!"

"Oh its Gray, I am going to kill you first you annoying piece of crap!"

James held out his knife and threw it at me. I dodged it and punched and kicked him in the face.

James reached and grabbed a gun in his Jumper pocket and shot it at me directly in the eye.

I landed on the floor blood dripping down from my face.

(Juvia pov)

James shot Gray.....

Gray was lying on the floor blood every where. I quickly grabbed a knife which he dropped on the floor and without hesitation I threw it in his face. He collapsed onto the floor. I quickly rushed over to Gray. He wasn't breathing he wasn't moving!

So.....this story will go up to chapter 20! Thanks for reading guys so far. Lets all now pray that Gray will survive.....sorry that this was kinda like the last chapter I will update again tomorrow and maybe again today.

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now