Chapter 19 -Gray-

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(Juvia pov)

Its's been passed three days.....after what had happened. James passed away and died in jail.

Everybody at the guild was feeling depressed it wasn't the same without Gray....

We were all sitting down having lunch.

"Come and fight me now ice princess!" Natsu shouted and stood on top of the table. His smile turned into a frown quickly when he realised that Gray wasn't here anymore.

A strange woman came into the guild and walked over to us and smiled.

"I can make Gray come back to life but for only one day which means 24 hours"


"I can prove it, come on in Gray....but remember its only for 24 hours"

Gray walked in slowly the whole guild thanked the woman and hugged Gray with tears in their eyes.

"We missed you so much!"

"Gray its not the same without you"

Tears came into my eyes when I saw Gray.....

Gray walked up slowly in front of me.

"I thought I was never going to see you again!" I ran over to him and hugged him he hugged me back.

A\N: Sorry for the short chapter next chapter will be the final chapter of the story. Gray is still actually dead its just that he gets to see the guild and Juvia one last time for one day and then he has to go back to heaven so he is actually still dead. Thanks for voting and commenting!

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now