"Sarah Heathcliff and ??/// Are you sick? I can help!"

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Haha..- yeah a book 3!
And it seems that i have enough time for making the first one-
And yeah it's Sarah!

But ok ok- first of all here some things.!


                     .Rules. !

-I will make any kind of one shots but the only ones that i won't do is smut or lemon!

-i always take requests so feel free to ask me for anything.

-I will make of this characters. (Or i can make of this ones)

-Sarah Heathcliff.
-Mark Heathcliff.
-Adam Murray.
-Jonah Marshall.
-Evelyn Miller.
-Cesar torres.
-any others you want to be in here!

Maybe will do this:

Mandela Catalogue Plushdela Au.
Dessert au.

Characters belong to Alex Kister !

I will maybe take some time to upload because of personal stuff and school but if i take a break i will say in how many time i will take!

I actually do have some ideas in mind and i will decide to be creative for the first time in my life-

So now that i said this now this is the first one shot!
Now you can scroll down.


   It was still early still it was 5-6 am and you wake up because you start coughing and you turn the air off thinking it was because of it. But it didn't had any change.

  You were still coughing and start getting mad about it.
You were tired and just wanted to sleep and just cover yourself in the blankets.

"Ugh..- why do i have to cough at this time..- i didn't even drink any cold things or did i..-?"

You looked at the clock and saw it was 5:53am.

"Why-.. just why..-"

   After some time you finally fall sleep. But you wake up again and it was now 11:30 am.
  You thought that it was only a bad dream or it was for the cold of your room but you start coughing over and over again.

"Finally-.. ACHU! - Ah..-?"

"Damn i am sick-.."

You just went downstairs for some medicine but you saw Sarah in the kitchen making some eggs and bacon and she notice that you we're in there.

  "Oh! Hello Y/N! How did you sleep?"
- Sarah.

"If i'm being honest with you.. bad - i couldn't sleep because of this stupid cough and i'm going to take some pills-"

You almost grab the pills of the counter but Sarah just start pushing you upstairs again.

"Eh-.. what are you doing Sarah-?".

"Sending you to bed!"- Sarah.

"But i don't feel that bad i swear-.. it's just some cough that's all! "

"It doesn't matter you can get worse."- Sarah.

"ok ok..- "

Sarah just open the door of your room and you lay down on your bed again. She just put you comfy and covered in blankets.


"No need to thank me! I'm going to make you some chicken soup for u don't even move a finger!"- Sarah.

¡Mandela Catalogue One shots.! (GN) Book 3-!Where stories live. Discover now