"Run" 🧁(Blueberry muffin Mark).

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Well.. there's only a little warning and it's about blood but only that actually so there's no need to worry!
And i hope that you like this since i decided to finish of the last part i did the other day-.
But now that i said that. You can scroll down!!









Everything in the mansion was normal in Cesar and Jonah words.
But in Adam and Mark's words wasn't the same. They knew that something was wrong but Mark was the one that was more afraid of something.

Not of what Cesar could do. He was afraid of someone else. He didn't even want to see what Jonah was able to do if he said the least thing he knew about that place.
But since what happend yesterday in that dinner he was being more afraid and had and eye on everything that Jonah do.

When the sun appeared and it was already a new day Adam couldn't sleep because of what he saw yesterday when he went downstairs.
He stayed awake all the night afraid and thinking of the food poisoned too.
He had his mind full of things.

Mark wake up and he still remember everything. He was more calm now but he was still worried about what could happend to you because of Jonah.
He just stared at you and notice that you we're already awake.

"Oh.- since when you we're already awake Y/N?-" -🧁

"Well.. not that early- i just wake up actually -"-

Mark had a smile on his face and he give you a hug. You were confused but give him the hug back.

"I promise to keep you safe.."- 🧁

"From what?"-

"Of anything that could hurt you of course.. "- 🧁

"Mark Pov 🧁"

I didn't get it.. why would Jonah do that yesterday in the dinner..-  why would he do such a thing to his friends..-

Since the day that Adam and Y/N arrived he wasn't the same.. he was acting weird since then.. i could notice that before.. he wanted something but i didn't thought about anything like this.

First he acted normal as always with a smile on his face introducing them to Cesar and me.
But after the days passed i started to notice that when they weren't there he acted different.
He didn't poisoned Adam food like mine and Y/N..
It seems like it was the only exception...


I start going downstairs with Y/N hoping that nothing words could happend today until i saw Adam walking toward the kitchen.
I wanted to talk to him about what happend yesterday.

"I'm going to ask Adam something..- You can go ahead and wait for me outside if you want ^^"- 🧁

"Alright see you there Mark!"-

You went to the door and wait for Mark outside like he told you.
Mark was going toward were Adam was to ask him about something.

"Hey Adam-.. can we talk about what happend yesterday and about a noise that i don't know if i was th-"- 🧁

Adam turn around and he seemed tired and looked like a raccon because of his eyws it was clear that he had not slept at all.

"😨-  Adam did you sleep last night-..? Because it seems that you didn't -.."- 🧁

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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