☔"Rainnnnnnn!!! "( Jonah Marshall)☔

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I'm really sorry for not doing any one shot in these days but i was having some vacations to have some fun and to be better!
Because now i have more energy and i'm not tired since i sleep more!
So i have more ideas now ^^!

But now that i said that..
You can scroll down!!!

You were in a park waiting for Jonah to arrive. Since yesterday he told you that he wanted to take a walk with you in there and to spend all the day in there. And you accepted since Jonah already planned everything for that day.

He told you to wait for him in the playground we're the swings we're and he said he would be there at 2:30 pm.
But it was already 3:10pm.
You thought that maybe something happend and wait for him a little longer. But it already passed 30 minutes.

"Where will Jonah be..? It's been almost 2 hours... and I haven't seen him. But well- maybe he is just having a problem to find me . i shouldn't worry that much..-"

You just lay down on the grass and stared at the sky until you saw that it was cloudy. It looked like it was going to rain

"Oh damnit.. and I didn't bring an umbrella... and it looks like it's going to rain-"
You were barely going to get up and you felt a drop of water fall on your nose.

It was starting to spark and you start covering yourself with your arms and run so you won't get wet.
But the rain start going more hard and you we're already getting wet

Until a shadow appeared and hug you.
You were confused of who was until you saw it was Jonah. He was all wet because the umbrella didn't open.


Jonah was really sorry and he was just hugging you because he felt guilty about that you had to wait for him a lot and that now you are wet thanks to him.
"Hey- it's okay- i didn't get that wey after all-.."

Jonah was still trying to open the umbrella until he could finally. But he get closer to you so you wouldn't get wet anymore.
"And.. why did you arrive late?. I'm just a little bit curious."-

"Well.. first of all my car is now broken..- And just as I was coming with Adam's car there was a lot of traffic and i had to come running but since there was a lot of rain I went back to the house for an umbrella and since it was broken I looked for another one and that's all. And now i'm here!"- Jonah

"Wow-.. too many things in a day huh?."

"Yeah..- but at least we are not getting wet now- "- Jonah.

Jonah just said that and it started to get a lot of air and he was slipping because the umbrella was going and Jonah wasn't going to let it go.

"Over my dead body! I'm not going to spend money on a fucking umbrella again just because of a stupid weather!-"- Jonah.

Jonah was already falling and his palms were already sweating.
"Y/N could you help me a bit? I don't think I would be able to grab it for too much time!"- Jonah

"as you say!"-

You grabbed Jonah by the waist and there you were pulling him back trying to keep him from falling.
Until you went too far back and you felt that a stone was behind you and you slipped.
"Oh damnit..-"

You ended up falling and Jonah too. And the umbrella was going somewhere in the air.

Jonah is already all wet and you were just helping him to stand up.
"Well now both of us are going to get wet now-"

"You mean i'm going to get wet!"- Jonah

"Huh?. Why?"-

Jonah just took off his sweater and there he was covering you from getting sick.
"Eh? But what about you Jonah? You can get sick-!"

"Oh don't worry about me! I prefer to get sick that to see you sick!-" Jonah.

"Well.. but let's go home then-"-
You were going to leave with Jonah until he grabbed your hand so you could stop

"Huh? What's wrong Jonah?."-

"Umm.. well.. can we dance for a little bit :D?"- Jonah.

Jonah was in there nervous because he felt that you were going to say no.
But you just smile a bit and grab his hand.
"Sure.. a dance wouldn't hurt right?".

"<3!!" - Jonah.

Jonah's face changed and he had a smile on his face. And he just started dancing with you in the rain.
He was quite happy and glad to be able to dance with you and there both of you ended up spending 3 hours dancing in the rain.
Until you notice that it was already late.

"Oh- it's already getting late-"

"Do you want to go home? We can dance still if you would want too!"- Jonah

"Well.. sure. ! I mean- it's better to dance in the house-"

Jonah just smile and he just hug your arm and keep walking to his house with you.
He was just talking and talking more and telling you what males him happy.

"You are my happiness! - Jonah

"Oh-.. well. Then you are my happiness too.. ^^".-

Jonah was just too happy in that moment and both of you we're in the house dancing and playing Just dance.
He was having a lot of fun and  choosing several songs with you.

But after a while he was coughing a lot and had temperature.
"Oh man-.. i think i'm getting sick now"- Jonah

"See?. I told you that you would get sick at any moment -"

Jonah was now with a red nose and he decided to cover himself with the blankets and a good bit more because he was cold.

"I didn't thoiught that I would get sick... But now i have to stay in bed -"- Jonah

"Look at the good side. You only need to rest and sleep. !"-

"Yeah.. but- could you stay here until i get better?. I don't wanna be alone-"- Jonah

"Sure i don't have anything else to do-. Do you want some hot soup right?."

"Mhm!"- Jonah.

"Alright. I will make some when you get hungry. Now rest a bit you need it more now."

"Well then.. good night sweety.. :D"- Jonah.

"Good night Jonah. Good night.."-

Jonah end up falling asleep but he was hugging you and you we're there in the bed letting him hug you since he was tired and he didn't want to let you go.

(haha..-! Yeah i finish this too!! I will make a scenario/reaction later and i already have an idea on mind.. so now i wish everyone a good weekend and good night!!)


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