🧺 Scenarios! 🧺

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Yeah another request!
And again thanks for requesting  Dianathespcfan!

I actually was thinking of making some scenarios but i didn't had in mind of the dessert Au-

So.. here it is!
You can scroll down.


*How you meet*

🔵🧁Blueberry muffin Mark.🔵🧁

You were just walking around the candies trees and watching the cherry sea. The only thing you we're focus was on your own thoughts.
  Everything was calm and you could only hear the water of the sea.

There was a bench and you just sit and stared at the little animals of candie that we're there.
  Until you felt that someone sit in the other side of the bench.

It was a boy of brown hair, a brown sweater with a blueberry pin. He had some blueberry decorations and a hat of blueberry.

He just stared at you and he just wave you with his hand.
You just wave him too and he just turn around.

"Hello-.! Nice to meet you."- Mark.

"Oh well nice too meet you too! What's your name-?"

"Blueberry muffin Mark- but call me Mark for short and you..?-" Mark.

"Y/N and you have a really good name!-"

"Uh-.. thank you-.. want to talk about something?"-" Mark.
"Sure! What about our favorite music?"

Mark just smile and he start complaining about his taste of music and other types of them.
He seemed to enjoy too many type of them. But mostly the 80's ones.

He went hours talking about it and after some time he stop.

"Sorry if i talk to much -"- Mark.

"It's okay! I like to hear people opinion anyways -"

"Oh thank you-.. and what's your favorite type of music?"- " Mark.

"Well it's ____! "( Your favorite type of music or if you don't have any it's okay! )

"That's my favorite type of music!"

"Interesting..- you have a good taste in music Y/N."- Mark.

"Thank u. You have a good taste too.. and- would you like to be friends-?"

"Sure! I will glady be your friend."- Mark.

Mark just stand up and he had a phone with him. And Some headphones.

"Want to hear some music?" - Mark.


Mark just give you the other headphone and you and him put ir in your ears and start hearing the music
  Mark was just humming and writting something in a book.

And he let you see what he was writting and let you give him some ideas.

🍰🍓Strawberry Cheesecake Cesar 🍓🍰

There was a boy looking with his basket for some sweet apples and for more fruits of candy.

   He was just putting them in his basket and he ,  was whistling he seemed very content and happy ,his energy was very positive and joyful.

Until he notice that there was someone else in there fishing in a river of cherries.

"Uh..?"- Cesar.

Cesar just decided to look behind some bushes and saw you catching a few sweet fishes.

"Oh a new person around here! Maybe-.. i should talk to them-.. and maybe..- become friends! "- Cesar.

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