📃🖋️"Scenarios" 🖋️📃

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Ok i think that i will be proud of this one since i actually love poems-.. !-
And this is a request from Dianathespcfan!
Sorry for taking too long but i was actually making this good enough-

But anyways... I hope that you enjoy it! And have a good day/afternoon or night!

. Mark Heathcliff .

He would try to make a poem for u when it's a special day for u or him. Birthday or anniversary or actually anytime he feel that it's necessary.

Most of his ideas came to him when it's late or night. But if he wakes up and a idea came to his mind he will write it and make a good poem for u.
It would actually include sweet things or compliments.

Sarah will help him and give him lots of ideas so he will make something good for u.

How much he loves you and how lucky he is to have you. 
But when he is going to give you any of his poems he would be shy and embarrassed because he feels that he didn't put his heart and soul on it. And thinks that you wouldn't like it because it's "simple"

But if he notice that you like it he would be happy and would make you another one but he would try to be more creative and have more imagination.

An example. (I'm too bad at making poems-..)

"If you were a shooting star then I would ask to be by your side always... and if that wish is fulfilled then you would be the light that will guide me to happiness... and that happiness... is you i don't need anything else.."

Anything that he would consider that it would fit you he will write it. Your tastes and personality.
But if it's your birthday he would left you too many poems or letters that he write all night because he didn't sleep enough for making them.

But he will sleep when he finish of doing it so he won't faint for not sleeping.
So expect from him to give you poems daily and some little draws in the paper.

But if you give him one that you made for him. Inside of him he would be excited and really happy and his heart would be racing. But on the outside he would only accept it with a smile and hug you as a thanks.

He will also write for his friends.
Because he aprecciate them too.

Cesar Torres.

He will go to too many places that give him any inspiration or ideas. Most of the places are gardens or anything that have flowers or plants.
But if not he will hear some music and stay in his house laying down on his bed and writting it.

His playlist would almost be of 4 hours to help him to have some ideas to write something. If he doesn't like it he isn't going to throw it. He is just going to look for a way to make it better.

Any little thing is a idea for him. Even if it's the worst he will make it better with his way of writting. And if he is bored he would just write some for you and his friends.

For Jonah and Adam he would make something of how much he aprecciate them by being his friends.

For Mark because all the good moments and they good friendship.

And you about how much he loves you and everything he thinks about you.
Considering that he actually has too much inspiration and that he would imagine anything good and sweet.

He will mostly use sweet words or anything that include what he thinks but at the same time what is true for him. For Cesar, everything about you is perfect, no matter if you don't see it that way.

He would almost send you all the poems in the door of your house but sometimes he would go by himself running toward your house.
Because he doesn't want the poems to get wrinkled or dirty.
Or even fly away like most of the time.

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