🍓"Welcome to your new Home!-" Cesar strawberry. x GN reader.🍓

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This is a request of Dianathespcfan.!
And yeah it's of Mandela dessert au. I hope you like it!

Well- there will be only a warning and it's some blood but only that.

Now you can scroll down!

You wake up in a very colorful place and surronded by cute things and candies. Everything almost being food and candies. You were wiping your eyes to see if it wasn't just your imagination. It looked exactly like a dream.

"It looks like a dream this place-.. "

You just heard footsteps and saw a guy walking with a a teapot and sugar He was wearing a white and red suit and strawberrys accesories and a hat with some glaze and a strawberry

He just stop walking when he saw you and just wave you with a smile on his face.

"Hello!! Are you new here?"- Cesar.

You were confused about who was him but just wave him too.

"Well -.. yeah my name is Y/N nice to meet you-"

The guy put his hand closer to you so you and him can shake it.
But you just looked at him confused.

"Well.. my name is Cesar nice to meet you!"

Cesar start shaking your hand really fast making you feel dizzy and almost fall.

"Welcome to Madeleine County nice to have a new person here! Or may i say friend!"- Cesar.

"Uhh-.. ye-yeah friend-.."-

Cesar notice that you we're almost falling but he hold you before falling yo the ground.

"Gotcha! Are you okay?"- Cesar.

You just agreed with your head and try to not fall but you stood well again and clean your clothes.

And Cesar just grab a umbrella and get closer to you because the sun was too hot.


You just stared at him and saw him with the umbrella. The sun wasn't giving you now.

"I don't want you to get hot in your first day here! So i will make the umbrella cover you from the sun and actually the umbrella is of my friend hehe-!"- Cesar.

"Oh thank you Cesar."-

Cesar just smiled and start walking with you with the umbrella covering you from the sun. You just stared at everything and you we're surprised about how the things we're in there.

"So.. everything in here is almost candies and sweet things right-?"

Cesar agreed with his head and he give you a basket.
You just stared at the basket and then to Cesar

"What are we going to do?".

You asked to Cesar because he give you the basket withouth telling you anything. But he just pointed to a bush full of sweet apples.

"If you see in that bush there are sweet apples right?"- Cesar.

"Yeah i see it. It's full of them actually -.. why?"

"Well i gave you the basket to help me to grab the best to eat them today! It's a welcome actually.!
   For a new friend to join here to us! And that person is you"- Cesar.

"Oh well then let's go!"

You just grab Jonah hand to go faster for the apples and he just smiled.
Cesar start taking some apples and ask you if they we're good.
You had to say yes or no.

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