♥️💌Va-Valentine's! 💌 ♥️

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Haha yeah-.. i know it's already 23th of April and it already passed 2 months. But i actually decided to do this! Even if i'm too fucking lazy because it's not Valentines..- but here it is now! (Even if it's late)

But anyways you can scroll down!.
And nop there's no warnings because Valentine's Day 👍!


Mark Heathcliff.

He would do something simple but at the same time he would put a lot of effort into the gifts he would give you. Since he wants you to have the best since you are the best thing that he has happened to him in a few words.

The gifts will mostly be chocolates that he bought and some will been made by him.
Before Valentine's Day, he would write down all the types of chocolates or sweets that you liked so that he could try to make them or if he couldn't he will buy them.

So expect from him to go to your door house and see him with a big basket of chocolates and sweets.
but if you liked something else he would gladly buy it for you for Valentine's Day.

When it's night he would watch a movie of any kind with you while eating popcorn.
He would give you a small letter expressing how much he loves and appreciates you.

Oh and if you get to give him the slightest gift he would be really happy and cheerful all day at your side.
with whatever you give him. even if it is a sheet of paper with a drawing, a flower, a poem, whatever. He would be quite happy and if it would notice too much. and he'd be out of sorts pretty quick.
And if he gets to have time there, he would start dancing with you with a song in the living room.

🎀Cesar torres. 🎀

He would end up doing a lot of things but then he would start to think if they are enough and he would leave them there so that he can show them to you later.
but the idea that seemed the most good to him was to have a small picnic in a park.

He would end up filling many baskets with sweets , fruits,  sandwiches and cake.
But some kool-aids too since he will be thirsty and he doesn't know if you would too.

Cesar would end up making quite a few chocolate cupcakes and brownies for you and him. Since he really likes to cook and besides. He likes to cook you the things that you like the most.

He really will take enough time to only choose the best flowers. Because he literally has the ones you like in front of him. But he ends up seeing each of the bouquets in great detail And seeing every damn detail only to take 4 hours and have to call Mark to help him because he can't decide for only one.

Cesar would be with you almost all the time holding hands and just there jumping of joy while you two go around the city.
Oh and the smallest detail for him is a treasure for him. He doesn't care about the price or what it is.

"I don't care if it's expensive or if it's of value. Because if it's from you, I will accept it glady as my new treasure!"- Cesar.

He would end up giving you lots of hugs and love every day. but if you were to feel uncomfortable, he will stop since he does not want to see you uncomfortable or bad.

but almost all the day you and him would be in his house there hugging each other and there making jokes.
Or most of the time he would just be by your side there going anywhere you want.

Oh and if you want he could play you a tune on the piano. Or any song that you request. Or he would dedicate you one.

🍕Jonah Marshall. 🍕

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