🧁" Poisoned Dinner-.."🧁 (Blueberry Muffin Mark)

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Speaking of muffins- I just ate a blueberry muffin and remembered Mark-
And i just end up eating it.
The reaction i had:
"😨 Oh NOOOOO MARK!- *eats the muffin anyways* "

But now that i said that even if it's just a stupid thing i did and thought -
Now you can scroll down.!





It was starting the day in the place and you we're just in the lake Catching a few fish for you and the others. Jonah was with you along with Adam.

Mark was beside you helping you with getting new buckets for the fishes. Everyone was already hungry so Adam and Jonah decided to leave to look for some food.

"Hey Y/N , Mark! Adam and i are going to look for sweet apples-! You two can stay there and wait for us to come back?." - Jonah.🍋

"Yeah..- i mean you two are getting too many fishes and that's good. But we will look for some desserts when we finish of eating-".- Adam🍎

You just turned around a bit withouth stopping of fishing.
"Alright-! But don't take too long- LONGGGGG!"-

The fish you were trying to catch was pretty rough and you were already falling into the river.
Adam and Jonah notice that and grabbed the buckets of fishes so you won't throw them by accident.

But there we're too many buckets.
"Dude-.. how many fishes are here-?.. it's actually heavy-.."- Adam.🍎

"Maybe for a week! But don't worry! We have too many candy fishes!!"- Jonah.🍋

You were still trying to don't fall to the lake.
You didn't want to lose that fish.

"NONONONONO- i just take a bath today-!"-

Mark just get behind you and hold you. Trying to walk backwards hard so you wouldn't fall into the cherry river.

"I got you-!"- Mark 🧁

He end up pushing you to the back so you wouldn't fall and he was the one who end up falling into the river and scared all the candy fishes.


You went to closer to the lake and saw Mark head. He was ok but he was all wet.

" *Cough cough!- * I'm okay! I just drink too many water by accident-"- Mark 🧁

You were better knowing that Mark was alright and not hurt.
"That's good to hear. But you can get sick so. Let me help!-"-

You offer your hand to Mark and he just take it.
"He-.. thanks.."- Mark. 🧁

Mark was still wet and Adam just give him a towel.
"Here. You can use it until we get to the mansion- and you can get a shower too-." Adam. 🍎

"Oh- thanks Adam ^^"- Mark 🧁

You just went with Mark to the mansion.
You with the buckets and he was still helping you with the towel in his clothes since he didn't want to get sick too.

Adam and Jonah we're looking for more food even if Adam just wanted that Candy fish. Jonah wanted more food for the *4* - 5 of you to enjoy together as good friends.

Cesar was in the forest walking with his basket full of sweet desserts and candies for the 5.
Jumping happily and looking for sweet apples with Jonah and Adam now.

Both of you we're almost arriving to the mansion and Mark was holding your hand will keep talking about what he felt about the place.

He didn't stop looking everywhere to see if there wasn't any danger. He didn't care if he could die. He would prefer to die so you won't have to pass for that. Even if that means to disappeard and to never see him again. He would do it only for the only one who cares the most.
Even if it was the end of the world he would prefer to spend his only seconds by your side telling you how much he loves you.

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