✨💫"Trust me i will guide you to the light!'✨💫. Cesar x reader GN//

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This is a request of Dianathescpfan!
And well i'm happy that you liked it the first request you made so i will make the second one you asked me to!

• Purified au.•

So here it is! I hope you like it and now you can scroll down!

There was a big city and everything was calm still but not with the fact that they we're some things that people called "alternates".

  There was a case in special of a young man named Mark Heathcliff who killed himself because of one of them.

The name of the alternate was Cesar torres. He was feeling guilty for what he had just done knowing that even so at that moment he was not aware of what he did.

He regret everything he had done until he noticed that blood was dripping from his neck and it was the wound that had happend to him before he become a alternate.

Cesar was on his knees coughing blood and his eyes had tears. He was afraid of doing the same to someone innocent again.

".."- Cesar.

"Cesar Pov."

Blood was dripping of my neck and of my mouth.. i felt tired and exahusted. Tears we're in my eyes and i start losing myself in my own thoughts..

I was already seeing blurry and my mind was surrounded by ideas, the guilt was slowly killing me..

     "I'm scared this is the way that the things are going to end for me.."- Cesar. 

A light appeared and point were Cesar was and he just looked to the light. He was confused about it.

"...? Uh..- is this a good bye..?"- Cesar.

A hand appeared and Cesar was just staring at it.

A voice start hearing and that maked cesar get scared a bit.

"You shouldn't be afraid my child.. you can repare your mistakes if you wish it for it to be that way.."

Cesar think about it and grab the hand of the shadow.
And he was different since that day.


You were in a dark place looking for something in your house. But everything was dark and you couldn't see anything.

You heard footsteps and grab a bat to defend yourself.
Everything start getting darker and darker and you we're stepping back and looking everywhere to see what was that noises.

💭" I think someone else is here with me..

And i'm not alone.."-

You stayed awake for some hours because you we're afraid that if you sleep or get distracted something will happend.
  But you end falling asleep in the floor.

It was already morning and your house was dark still. Until a light appeared in your face and make you open your eyes slowly.

"Uh... What happend yesterday..-?"

You just open one of your eyes and saw the light coming from your window and saw a shadow again.


You just stand up and step back afraid that something could happend.

"Who are you-?!"

You step back again but you fall to the ground and hit your leg by accident.

There was a boy infront of you.
Black short hair two angel wings behind his ears , a white suit and a white scar around his neck, some roses in his body.

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