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an idea that i think just when I was going to sleep-.. what a coincidence-
Doing what you we're going to do before.-
But leaving that apart-.. i hope that you enjoy this!

And have a great day.
No warnings.

Mark Heathcliff.

He would sleep hugging you and very often he would get up just to cover himself with the blankets and to take them off. Since he will be really fast cold or hot.
Most of the time he would just stick to you there hugging you and letting you play with his hair until he falls asleep.

Mark would easily fall asleep anywhere. The couch and the bed are two of his favorite places since they are very comfortable for him.
But he would be more if he is there hugging you since with your company he would feel calmer and could sleep better knowing that you are by his side.

If it gets cold he would wait until you fell asleep to cover you with blankets like a taco and there he would hug you and just stay there glued to you.
Mark himself can sleep very well and nothing would wake him up except something that is the exception.

Any small noise or sound will wake him up. And that has a reason
Since he began to be with you and to be in a relationship, whenever he sleeps with you or something, for whatever noise it is, he will wake up devastated by the fear that it is some alternate or someone that wants to hurt you.

So if that happens he would get up quietly and check the whole house and if he sees that there is nothing he would just go back to bed there more calm and there he would hug you for fear of thinking that something would happen to you.
And if one day you're asleep on the other side of the bed, he would hug you from behind. But then he would turn you to where he is and hug you there a little asleep with his eyes a bit open since he doesn't want to sleep if you are not there.

A and he would sometimes fall asleep when he heards music because it makes him sleep better.
But many times he would put his headphones on you so you can listen too and you can sleep just as comfortable as him.

¡.Cesar Torres.!

Oh what can I say about him... You have someone who is affectionate and who would not stop hugging you even if you and him were in a catastrophe-
Cesar is someone who takes a while to fall asleep because he has many things on his mind, but if he can't sleep, he would spend hours talking to you or telling you anything.


"And do you know what happened after that? ^^"- Cesar.

"What happend?."-

"That Jonah crashed the car into a tree!"- Cesar.

"Oh- i wasn't expecting that to happend actually -"

"Well it happend!"- Cesar.

He could sleep just with you saying goodnight to him since that makes him dream happy.
Almost always if you don't sleep he wouldn't sleep either since he would be more aware that you sleep instead of him sleeping peacefully.

He prefers that you be the one to hug him since he feels more comfortable. And since that way he can hug you and many times he would let you play with his hair to fall asleep little by little.
If he hears a noise or something, he would get a bit scared but he will just be more scared about that something happens to you so there he would be with a bat that he had there. Cesar will still bebholding you and with the bat there in his other hand.

Many times he would stay up there to play with your hair while you are asleep.
Or once in a while you and he would stay awake watching a movie before sleeping.

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