🎀¡Blood Dance!🎀 (Alt Cesar)

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Haha yeah-. A blood one- because i just have that idea right now!!.
It's really weird from me to like something that i do- but i think that today again is going to be a exception!

Warnings: Well.. a little bit of blood! But nothing to worry about it. Since most of this is going to be normal-
So now that i explain it. You can scroll down!!


It was already night and it was late and you couldn't sleep so you we're in your house just staring at your phone waiting for your friends to text you but it's been 2 days since he texted you back.

But since the last time that Mark texted you he told u that he was busy and didn't worry too much until you heard about the Alternates in the TV and get worried about him about it.

And then you start worrying more because you were thinking of what could happend to Cesar too.
But you just tried not to worry so much and you ended up sleeping on the couch.

It was very quiet outside and dark. There were only the lights from the utility poles and only the shadows of the trees and houses were visible.
Until a shadow was walking by the streets.
It was a boy and he was just walking by the streets withouth stopping. Until he saw your house and he just smile.

You were so asleep on the sofa already covered with blankets and hugging your pillow until you feel some cold air in your feet and that someone is staring at you.

You thought it was just your imagination like most times but just in case you decided to open an eye and saw a alternate.

You and the alternate only made eye contact for 5 minutes.

How it was:


"👀😺"- Cesar.

You just started to move a little away from the alternate but he just went closer to you.
And you start looking for somewhere to run and you thought about jumping out of the window.

💭"Ok no-.. i don't wanna break my legs-"

You began to see the alternate in detail and you saw him quite similar to Cesar. But he was probably only in that shape to trick you so you just thought that he was him.

"If you think that this is going to make me fall into that trap, I can only tell you that you are very wrong-.."

"Why would i trick you my dear..? It's me.! Cesar. The only and truly one ^^!"- Cesar.

He did look a lot like him but you were just afraid that he wanted to kill you too.
Until you feel that he was hugging you and stared at him confused.

"I will never leave you again... even if I'm already dead.'- Cesar.

"Wait what-? "-

You were more confused about what Cesar said but he just keep hugging you and staring at you.
"And how do you think of how I am now? I mean- I'm still the same Cesar you knew before!

The only difference is that I am no longer alive! And that I am an alternate now."- Cesar.

"I already notice that."-
You hugged him back and he just smiled happily about it.

He stayed in there all the night at your house hugging you. And you we're already sleeping.
Cesar all the night only stared at you when you we're sleeping. He didn't want to take his eyes off you.

He was so distracted watching you that after a while he just stayed in your lap hugging you and resting.

When you wake up it was already 11:30 am. You were going to stand up but you couldn't because Cesar was in the top of you with his eyes closed.

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