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A/N: This is a songfic and it's based on Kun's Lover

[Your] gaze is an illusion

By the pool, your shadow bends into a line

Warmth is spread out

How many midnights

[I have passed] drinking to my heart's content

Unintentionally chasing [you],

[I] cannot stop

The heat surrounds me

It was late at night and the agency made a small party to celebrate the wrapping up of their series. Bible, who is not a fan of crowded places, decided it was enough socializing and interacting with people and headed out to the pool outside the party room.

He headed to a sunlounger and sat there. He gazed at the pool for a while, getting lost in his own thoughts when his eyes caught a shadow walking towards him. He watched the shadow, a man holding two glasses of champagne wearing a dark uniform green suit, a white t-shirt, and black slacks. 'Dashing' Bible thought as he saw the man taking place next to him.

"Why are you out here alone, Mr. Bible?" the man questioned as he handed Bible a glass of champagne. Bible took the glass and gulped the liquid. He then stared at the man, "No reasons, Jeffy" Bible answered the man's question.

"I'll keep you company then!?" Jeff decided as he took a seat next to Bible, smiling at the man who stares at him.

Bible breaks his stare and took another sip of the liquid in his glass. "I can feel Jeff's warmth," he thought to himself, slightly wishing he will get the chance to feel more and more of the man's warmth.

All I wanna do is fool around

My heart is pounding

From sunset to dawn,

I'll hold you till sunrise

The whole cast just got out of the cinema, after watching the final episode of the series with the other cast and fans. Most of the cast went straight to the waiting room, Bible walked behind them with Jeff in front of him. "Pretty Jeffy" he thought as he walked, nearly bumping himself into Jeff when the man stopped abruptly.

"Accompany me to the toilet please?" Jeff turns and whispered to Bible, as he reached out to Bible and tugged at his suit.

Bible's heart paced. Jeff looks so pretty today and he wished he can just pull him in his arm and kiss him senseless, maybe soon. Bible nodded at Jeff, grabbed his hands, and linked their hands together, tugging Jeff to the toilet nearby.

Once in the toilet, Bible waited for Jeff to finish his business. He fixed himself in the mirror and then took out his phone and snapped some pictures of himself. Jeff emerged from the stall not long after he started taking pictures, and coincidentally got in a shot as he passed in front of him. Bible smiled to himself.

"Should we take a picture?" Bible asked Jeff, with his right hand still holding his phone, ready to take another picture.

"Sure" Jeff grinned at Bible and went towards him. He took the empty spot on Bible's left, scooting a bit closer to him.

"How can someone look this pretty?" Bible thinks to himself, his eyes stuck on the man plastered to his left. He can feel Jeff's warmth, He can smell Jeff's cologne. His mind is full of Jeff and his heart racing for the man.


Bible snapped out of his thoughts. He grinned at Jeff, braving himself and puts his arms on Jeff's waist, and snaps a picture of them both.

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