Goodbye is not Goodbye

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Bible's breath hitched as he listened to what Pond and Jeff are saying, his chest tightened, his breathing went uneven, and tears starts to gather in his lashes. He stood on the stage, getting lost in his thoughts.

Jeff is leaving BOC... leaving...

He's leaving...

He's leaving me...

I'll be alone...

What do I do...

I need him...

Bible's heart broke and he tries to not let his emotions get to him as they're still on stage. He took a couple of deep breaths before trying to act normal on stage. He succeeds in holding back his tears (well most of them) and acting as if his heart doesn't feel like it has just been ripped out.

It was a different story when the performances end and all the cast went backstage. Jeff is immediately surrounded by other casts, Apo and Barcode latching on each of Jeff's sides, both with tears in their eyes, while the rest patted and hugged Jeff by turns.

Bible, on the other hand, went into an empty dressing room and hides on the sofa in the corner of the room. He sat on the edge of the sofa, curling up in a fetal position as he starts to cry, it started from tears flowing out of his eyes, sniffling which turns into loud sobs, and his body shaking.

Jeff, who realized that he saw everyone but Bible surrounding him, starts looking around to try to find the younger. His eyes met Mile who points towards the dressing room with his chin, he probably knows he was looking for his younger boyfriend.

Jeff quickly thanks the other cast before slipping away and entering the dressing room. The moment he opens the door, his heart tightens as he hears a harsh sob, eyes training on the source of the voice and he feels his heart drop.

Bible is bawling his eyes out, his body in a fetal position at the edge of the couch as he shields himself with his arm. Jeff approaches the crying man, tears start to gather in his eyes and a tear unknowingly made its way down his cheeks.


"*hiks* *hiks* h-hmm?"

"Can I touch you?"

Bible didn't answer but he brings his head up to look at Jeff, and he looks heartbreaking, his eyes red, fat tears rolled down his cheeks, lips quivering and sobs choked out of his chest.

Jeff sat down next to Bible, before bringing the younger into his arms, ripping another sob from the younger. His cries became louder as he settles in Jeff's arms, hands clutching hard onto Jeff's top, clawing it as if Jeff is going to disappear if he lets go of the older.

Jeff can't help but cry, he feels mad at himself for not realizing the impact on his younger boyfriend would be this big and he can't help but cry as he holds the younger. Jeff circles his hands on the younger's waist before manhandling the younger to his lap, finding a comfortable position to hug and let their tears out.

Jeff cried silently as he holds a sobbing Bible, trying to comfort the younger by rubbing his back and head, whispering sweet nothings and reassurance. He regrets not giving Bible a heads up, and regrets that he can feel how much the younger is hurting at this moment.

It takes them nearly half an hour for Bible to calm down, his sobs start to turn to sniffles but he still has a strong grip on Jeff, not wanting to let go of the other as he's scared he's going to be left behind.

"Jeffy, don't leave"

"I'm not leaving anywhere, darling"

"I...I'm scared *sniffles*"


"I'm scared, I don't want to be apart from you"

"Bible, I swear to God that I will never leave you"


"Promise. I swear."

"Please, hold me. *sniffles*"

Bible snuggles into Jeff, arms looping onto the older's neck as he buries his face into Jeff's crook. Jeff hugs the younger tightly, kissing the younger's head as he holds the younger, silently swearing that he won't leave Bible.

The two settle in each other's arms, seeking comfort and reassurance from each other silently. Jeff keeps stroking Bible's hair as the younger stays in his lap and soon enough the younger fell asleep from exhaustion. Jeff took his phone out and called Mile, asking him if he and Bible are able to be dismissed, to which Mile replied yes.

Jeff took a couple of deep breaths before he gathers the younger in his arms and carried him, standing up and out of the dressing room, going to the parking lot and to his car. Jeff then drives the both of them off towards his place, not wanting to leave the younger ones alone.

Once they arrived, Jeff carries the younger out of the car and into his place, putting him down on his bed before gently changing the younger out of his clothing. Jeff then went to the bathroom and wets a towel and heads back to Bible before wiping the younger's face.

Jeff kissed the sleeping man's forehead before heading for a quick shower, and once clean he grabbed whatever pajama he laid his eyes on, wears it, and went to his bed. He gently got into the bed, settling beside Bible and bringing the younger's body into his arms.

Jeff positions Bible's head to lay in his arms as he throws his arms on the younger's waist, bringing them as close as possible. Jeff kissed Bible's forehead, eyes, cheeks, and lips, staring at the younger full of love.

"I swear to God, I would never leave you. I love you so much, Bible. Good night."

A/N: I was sleep deprived and in the middle of class when I wrote this.... I hope y'all like it tho!!

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