Tell Me You Do Too

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15 minutes ago, Jeff impulsively decided to confess to his crush, Bible Sumettikul, who is also his co-worker. Jeff was randomly scrolling through Twitter when he suddenly ended up searching for Bible and scrolling through pictures and videos of a man there was a sudden urge to confess to his crush and the next thing Jeff knew he was texting Bible a short confession. A simple 'I have a crush on you' to Bible and not a minute later he got a reply from the other, writing 'wait for me'.

This comes to his current situation, he's waiting for Bible, worried since it's raining hard. Jeff paced by his door, looking out every couple of seconds through the window by his door. There is no other meaning from the text that Jeff receives besides that Bible is coming to his house. Jeff is worried, the rain has seemed to get stronger as time passes. He tries calling Bible, but to no avail.

Jeff sighs, worried spread over his body, praying that Bible would be safe. A big thunder startles him followed by a strong gush of wind, gasping at how loud it is, anxiety starts to flood over Jeff's body as he looks out through the window. Seeing there's no one, Jeff takes a look at his phone, calling Bible and once again failing. Tears start to well up in Jeff's eyes from worry, as he keeps looking out his window.

A couple of minutes have passed, and Jeff sees a vehicle approaching his house, no doubt it's Bible with his motorcycle. Jeff sighs in relief, tears flowing down his eyes unknowingly. Jeff opens quickly opens his door, watching as the man that just arrived in front of his house parks his motorcycle and quickly hops off, and takes off his motorcycle.

Bible is drenched and he doesn't mind at all, not when Jeff confessed to him 15 minutes ago. The moment he got a notification from Jeff (having set a different notification sound for Jeff and Jeff only), he quickly opens their chat. Bible was ecstatic when he reads Jeff's text, the guy he likes actually likes him back. Quickly texting back, he rushes towards Jeff's place, not caring about the fact it's raining.

The moment Bible approaches Jeff, who's standing in front of the door, he was greeted by a teary-eyed Jeff, and as he was about to ask why the man in front of him rushed into his arms sobbing.

"J-Jeff, what's wrong??"

"*sobs* You fucking idiot"

"Wha- Jeff?"

"It's fucking *sobs* raining, what if *sobs* something happens?"

"But I'm fine"

"What would I do if something happened?"

Bible stayed silent, hugging the other in his arms and whispering an apology to him. He acknowledged that it can be dangerous on the road especially whit a motorcycle. Bible hugs Jeff, letting the other sink in his arms as he pets Jeff's hair, giving comfort as he whispers apologies and reassurance to the other.

Jeff pulls back suddenly, wipes his tears, and drags Bible inside his place, not caring if he got wet from hugging the other. He leads Bible towards his room and to his shower and tells him to wash up. Once Bible got into his bathroom to wash up, Jeff quickly changes his clothes, putting on a hoodie and track pants, he quickly grabs his oversized shirt and some pants. Before knocking on his bathroom, he puts them on his bed, telling Bible that he has prepared some clothes in his bed and that there is a spare towel under his bathroom sink. Once he heard Bible shout out an 'okay', Jeff went out of his room and into his kitchen.

Jeff made 2 cups of tea, one for Bible and one for him, bringing the two mugs to his living room, he sets them down on his coffee table and then sat down comfortably on his couch, waiting for Bible. As he waits, he realized that he has confessed to Bible and that Bible is here because of his confession. Jeff's mind starts to wander, will Bible accept him, or will he get rejected?


Jeff snaps out of his trance at Bible's arrival, he watches as the other approaches him, sitting down next to him. Bible grabs the mug that Jeff prepared, giving it to him before taking one for himself.

"So... is it true?"


"Jeff... Do you actually like me? Like, for real?"

Jeff reddens at Bible's question; he avoided eye contact with the younger and looks straight ahead. He felt Bible nudge his arms, then his cheeks. Jeff looks at Bible, staring at him before slowly nodding. Jeff quickly looks away from Bible as he heats up.

"Is that a yes, Jeff?"


"Then can you look at me?"

Jeff doesn't answer, feeling shy at the fact that Bible knows he likes him and doesn't seem to be rejecting him. He felt Bible shift, before a hand touches his chin, grabbing it and making him look sideways. Jeff is now faced to face with Bible and was about to question Bible's action when he felt a pair of lips on him. It was short, a peck. Jeff's eyes widened, and he moved back with his hands covering his lips earning a chuckle from the other man.

"I-Wha-Why- What?"

"I like you too if it wasn't clear enough"

Jeff looks at Bible with wide eyes, he can't believe his crush actually likes him back. He felt the other grab his hands gently and pull Jeff into another kiss. It was short and sweet, with Bible holding onto Jeff's cheeks as Jeff melts into him.

Pulling away, Bible grins at Jeff and grabs Jeff's hand for him to hold, kissing them before letting it rest on his lap. Jeff blanks out, he blinks at Bible as his free hand went to his lips to trace them. Once he snaps out of his daydream, Jeff looks at Bible with yearning.

"Those this means we're dating?"

"Yes, Jeffy"

A grin blooms on Jeff's face as he shuffles closer to Bible and hugs him. Jeff lets his head rest on Bible's chest as he wraps his arms around Bible's waist, snuggling closer when Bible wraps his arms on his shoulder, pulling Jeff closer. Both are content in each other's arms.

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