Hot Enough (SMUT)

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Bible rushed to Jeff's place the moment he was dismissed, he missed the pretty man badly and can't wait to go back to him after his schedule. Bible brushed past his staff, bidding him goodbye, and went to Ta to make sure he has someone bringing him home than giving a bro hug and a goodbye.

Bible was then dropped off by his manager at his apartment, trying to keep their relationship lowkey. He went in, tossing his stuff before grabbing the keys to his motorcycle and rushing out, heading to his boyfriend's place.

Bible arrives at Jeff's place, he hurriedly removes his helmet and got off his bike. He then heads into Jeff's place, brushing his hair back, he inputs Jeff's code and enters. Bible was greeted by an empty living room, thinking that Jeff is probably in his room, most likely asleep, he walks towards the door to Jeff's room. The closer Bible got to the door, a sound makes its way to Bible's ear.

Bible halts his step as he hears a moan from inside Jeff's room. He swallows and slowly approaches Jeff's door. Bible can feel his cock hardens as he listens to the moans and groans seeping out through the door and feels his cock twitch as he heard his name being called out from the room.

Bible, now stood in front of the door, eyes hooded and his pants constricting his hard shaft. Slowly, he reaches out to the door handle and opens it, making sure to not make a noise, and when it's wide enough the view that greets Bible is astonishing.

Bible watches his man writhing in bed as he begs for more, lips chanting his name. He watches in awe, taking in the view of his boyfriend all spread out and fingers deep, in his bed. Bible lets himself enjoy the show before revealing his presence as Jeff is nearing his climax.

"What's this? Is my baby playing with himself?"

Bible walks towards Jeff, slightly smirking ass he watches Jeff freeze. He stood at the edge of the bed, eyes staring at Jeff's hole and watching it twitch.

"Bible, I can explain!" Jeff exclaimed as he snaps out of his daze, he was about to pull out his fingers when he was stopped.

"No, don't pull out," Bible said darkly, "Go on, fuck yourself slowly"

Bible watches as Jeff stares at him, his fingers slowly starting to move again. His eyes darkened as he watch Jeff's body move in front of him.

"Hmm~ Bib~Ngh~"

"Go on, Don't stop"


Bible watches Jeff begs, body arching as Jeff tries to plunge his fingers deeper inside him, a tear slipping out of Jeff's eyes. Noticing that Jeff is frustrated that he can't reach deeper inside, Bible decided to stop watching.

"You can't reach it huh?"

"No-ngh~ Need you~"

"Need what? you need to be clear, baby"

"I-ah~ need your fingers- hm~ and cock in me- ngh~"

Bible then moves, positioning himself in between Jeff's hands, and grabs Jeff's hand to remove them from his hole. Jeff whines at the feeling of being empty but soon moans at the feeling of Bible's fingers replacing his and fucking him with it.

Jeff pushes his hips down, meeting Bible's fingers, face contorted in pleasure. Jeff reaches his hands out towards Bible, wanting to get closer to his boyfriend. Bible lets himself be within reach and was pulled into a kiss.

Bible grips Jeff's jaw, slipping his tongue into Jeff's parted lips, he lets himself taste Jeff. Drinking in all the moans Jeff lets out, as he continues to pump his fingers into Jeff's wet hole.

"Off~," Jeff said against Bible's lips, hands tugging at the suit Bible wore for his schedule, as much as Jeff likes the suit, he likes it even better when it's off and he can feel Bible's skin on him.

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