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It all with Jeff is asked if he wanted another cat by his friend and Jeff being Jeff can't decline as he has a huge soft spot for cats, when he first lay his eyes on the white small cat he can't help but coo and hold the tiny little thing in his hands.

Jeff was so into cuddling the small cat, immediately telling his friends that he's gonna take a good care of the cat but when it was all too late when he realized that he isn't able to fully take care of the small white thing in his hands as his schedule is super packed and he has cats already back home. It doesn't take long for Jeff to think of a solution.

Jeff laid the cat down on his lap and grabs his phone from his pocket, he quickly went to his contacts and starts scrolling through his list of contacts until 'Man from the moon' appeared on the list and immediately hit call.



"What is it?"


"Did something happen? Do you need me to come to you?"

"Uh, no... But you could say something happened..."

"What is it?"

"Can I come to your place?"

"Of course, Jeffy."

"Okay, I'll be there soon!"

"Drive safe na"

"Okay na~"

"Love you!"

"Love you too!"

Jeff then takes off his hood and wears it backward, he then grabs the small cat and put him in his hood before then standing up and grabbing his things. He went to his car and starts it before then driving off to Bible's place.

It doesn't take long for Jeff to arrive at Bible's place, he doesn't waste time and heads straight to Bible's place, entering it as if it's his own (boyfriend perks). Once inside, he immediately took off his shoes and looked to find his boyfriend.

He finds the younger in his bedroom, lying down in his bed with Grey on top of him. Jeff immediately went to him, climbing up the bed, facing Bible, sitting with crossed legs, and staring at Bible. He then starts poking the younger's cheeks, trying to get the younger to focus on him.

Bible was lying down in his bed, patting a sleeping Grey who was on his chest as he close his eyes. His hearing sense registers the door to his room opening and someone enters and settles down next to him, he doesn't need to look to know it's Jeff as he has only told his security code to his place to only his brother and his boyfriend. He only opens his eyes when Jeff starts poking his cheeks.

"Bibs? Bibs! Bibsss! Bibleeeee"



Bible finally sat up, gently moving a sleeping Grey to his side, looking in confusion at Jeff when the older tells him to look. He scans Jeff and looks at the older confusingly. He doesn't see anything weird or out of place from Jeff.



Jeff leans towards Bible, showing the small white cat in his hood who fell asleep inside. Jeff coos softly and brings his hand to his hood to bring the sleeping cat out, who didn't budge at all despite being moved.

"Did you get another cat?"

"A friend asks if I want to keep him"

"You have like 13 cats already, and one of them is pregnant. Will you be able to take care of this one?"

"Um... that's what I'm here for Bibs"


"Can you adopt him for me?"

Bible looks at the small cat in Jeff's hands and brings his hands towards the small creature and starts patting him, thinking if it's a good idea to bring the cat under his cat as he recently just adopted another cat, Akuma, and a tarantula, Fenrir.

"Please~~ Look how cute he is~"


"YES! Thank you Bibs, Love you"

"Love you, too. By the way..."


"Does he have a name yet?"

"Not yet"

"What should we name him?"

"Hm... Okami?"

"You thought about it already huh, Jeffy"


Jeff then leans forward and gives Bible a peck before then bring the cat to his face and pecking the cat all over his face, nuzzling his face in the Okami's belly, which ends up waking the cat. A meow was heard and Jeff goes back cooing at the cat before talking to him, introducing Bible to the cat.

"Okami~~ Look, this is Bible. He is your Dada okay, you'll start living with him today."


"Awe~ Don't be sad na~ Just because you're staying with Dada it doesn't mean you won't see Papa"


Bible watches as Jeff keeps talking to the cat, heartwarming as Jeff introduced him to the cat as Dada and the older one as Papa. He gently smiles, chuckling, as Jeff moved to start introducing Okami to Grey, who just woke up from his nap. In conclusion, Bible just fell for the older again and again. God, I love him so much. 

BibleJeff AU CompilationsWhere stories live. Discover now