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Bible is staring out the window of the bus when he felt Jeff lean on his shoulder, he took glances at Jeff and frowned as he took in Jeff's complexion. Jeff looks pale and exhausted, his packed schedule is starting to take a toll on him.

Bible runs his fingers through Jeff's hair earning a sigh, frowning when his fingers felt the warm skin of Jeff's. Bible then shifts his body and Jeff's to a more comfortable position before playing with Jeff's hair lulling the other to sleep.

"Sleep, Jeffy~"

"Hm~ wake me up when we're there"

"Sure, baby"

It took them another 30 minutes for the bus to arrive at their hotel, and as they neared the hotel Bible softly shook Jeff awake. Bible has a frown on his face as he took his hand to cup Jeff's cheek, caressing them as he whispered sweet nothings to Jeff.

Jeff shivered, he felt himself being softly wakened up by Bible. He tries to squint his eyes open, but then he felt dizzy as he tries to slowly open his eyes so he turns his head and tucks them on the crook of Bible's neck. Jeff's eyes squint shut as he turns his body towards Bible and clutches his hands onto his shirt as he tries to curl up into Bible.

"Jeffy? You okay?"

"Hng~ Head hurts"

Bible's face contorted in worry, he can feel how warm Jeff is and the way Jeff is slightly shivering. Bible then gathered Jeff in his arms, making sure Jeff is comfortable.

"Jeffy, I'll carry you okay?"


Bible took Jeff's hum as an 'okay' and proceeds to carry Jeff to their room. Thankfully during their ride to the hotel, they were given their room cards along with whom they are rooming, and thankfully Bible was assigned to room Jeff.

Once they got to their room, with Bible slightly struggling not to jostle Jeff too much as he tries to open the door to their room, Bible placed Jeff softly in their bed and feels Jeff's forehead to check his temperature, feeling that it was still warm, he then strips Jeff down, putting his fresh clothes on Jeff and went to the bathroom to wet a towel for Jeff.

Bible came back to Jeff, who was now curled up under the blanket and placed the wet towel on Jeff's forehead. Bible stares at Jeff who's asleep and sighs, worried about the fact that Jeff is probably overworking himself.

Bible then made sure Jeff is comfortably settled in the bed, making sure Jeff's head is comfortable on the pillow and the blanket covered up to Jeff's chin before Bible walks away from the bed and changed into his sleeping outfit, which consists of a sleeveless top and a pair of shorts.

Bible then went back to the bed and got under the covers, jostling Jeff a bit who hums and shifts to face Bible who then placed his arms under Jeff's head and pulled the latter closer.

Bible shifts to get comfortable, with Jeff's head on his chest and Jeff's arm thrown over his waist, Bible circles his arm tighter on Jeff's body. He then gave a kiss on Jeff's forehead, praying for a speedy recovery for Jeff before he gave Jeff a short peck on Jeff's forehead and closed his eyes, drifting to sleep.

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