Love Me Do (SMUT)

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It was barely noon and Jeff is laying down on his bed, staring at his ceiling. Jeff and Bible have been dating for more or less 3 weeks and 4 days (not that Jeff is counting) and Jeff still remembers the first time they fucked, the day they confessed and labeled their relationship. Jeff craves for Bible, he wants Bible to fuck him again. Jeff turned on his phone and opens his text message with Bible.

"Bib, I miss you."

"Will you be coming over?''

"I'll see, babe."

"Schedule is a bit packed today, but I should be done by noon"

"Okie! Just come inside once you're here!"

Jeff rereads Bible's reply and pouts, he was planning to seduce Bible into fucking him tonight but it seems like Jeff would have to postpone the plan. Jeff rolls to his side, now on his belly, and decided to scroll his Twitter timeline.

The moment Jeff opens the app he is greeted with pictures of Bible and Ta for Mint Awards, he scrolls through some posts before stopping at Bible's new Twitter update, and he stares at the outfit Bible is wearing. His thoughts were cut off as he hears a ding from his phone, he checks his notification and saw that Bible has sent him a picture. He quickly opens his chat with Bible and gapes as he saw the picture sent to him.

Bible sent him a mirror picture, his suit with two buttons is unbuttoned on the bottom and his chest peeking out. Jeff imagines himself beside Bible, his hands unbuttoning the other button and unfastening the clip securing Bible's suit, wandering inside Bible's suit, straight up touching Bible's bare skin.

Jeff bites his lips, he was not planning to do what he's gonna do. He sits up on his bed, thinking shortly if it was a good idea to do it as Bible is nearly done with his schedule and will soon be on his way to his place, but fuck it why should he be scared when Bible is already his. He can do what he wants, even imagining himself getting fucked by his boyfriend.

Jeff then positions himself so he's leaning against his headboard and then lifts his hips up and discards his pants, leaving him in his underwear and (Bible's) shirt. Jeff's face flushed as he slowly parts his legs, just enough so that he was comfortable.

Jeff starts tracing his fingers from his chest, going down to his stomach and to his dick. Jeff pants as he palms his shaft through his undergarment. Jeff moaned softly as he felt his body heat up and his dick hardened. He lets himself enjoy the weight of his palm on his cock before discarding his underwear, leaving his lower half bare.

Jeff grabbed the lube that he puts under his pillow and coats his hands a thin layer of it before putting it aside. Jeff hissed as he grips his cock, sucking a breath at how good it felt.

"Ah~ Bib~" Jeff imagines it's Bible's hands instead of his and moans at the thought. Jeff plays with his cock, stroking it, tugging it, and fondling it to the point he's nearing his climax before stopping.

Jeff then grabbed his lube again, squirting more than enough on his fingers and rubbing them together. Jeff then took a deep breath and exhaled, bringing his fingers to his hole. He lets his finger trace his own hole, wetting them before he braves himself and pushes a digit into it.

"Ngh~" Jeff moaned at the intrusion, it didn't hurt but it was not as comfortable. He lets himself get used to his own fingers before he then starts moving them.

Jeff pumps his fingers until he's comfortable with a finger in, mewling at the sensation. Jeff then puts in another digit, now having two inside his hole.

Jeff gasped at the feeling, he doesn't feel full but he's loving the feeling that he has something in his hole. Jeff thinks about the way Bible fingers him and tries to imitate it, scissoring himself open.

"Hah~ Bible~ Ngh~"

"Hmm~ ngh~"

The sound of squelching of the lube and moans filled Jeff's room. Jeff has his legs spread wide apart, his fingers scissoring himself openly as he tries to push them as deep as he could. Feeling ready for the third finger, he pushed another inside of him.

"Bible~ hahh~ Full~"

Jeff moaned as he pumped his fingers into himself, going for a faster pace. Jeff then gripped his cock with his other hand, stroking it to the rhythm that he set for himself.

"Bib~ More-ngh~"

Jeff continues to pump his fingers into his hole but feels frustrated at the fact that he can't reach his own prostate. Tears start to fill his eyes.

"Hngh~ Bible *sobs* ngh~ Can't reach~"

Jeff keeps on going, moving his body trying to find an angle so his fingers can go deep and hit his prostate, but to no avail.

The words 'Bible' and 'Please' keep coming out from Jeff's lips, as if chanting to somehow makes Bible suddenly appear and replace Jeff's finger with his.

Jeff arches his back, as he nears his climax. Jeff is nowhere satisfied with his play, he needs Bible's cock deep in him, hitting his sweet spot again and again until he sees stars, but Bible is not here so he settles with coming by stroking himself off and fingers pumping in and out his hole. Jeff was so close to cumming when-

"What's this? Is my baby playing with himself?"

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