Lost in Me (SMUT)

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Bible sat on his office desk; his eyes trained on his computer screen seriously as he types away on his keyboard. The man looks at the clock on top of the door, the time shows 4 pm, he looks at the door underneath the clock, and he stares at it for a while before taking a last glance at the clock and back to the computer, continuing his work.

Not long after getting back to his work, the door to his office opens slowly. Bible keeps on working as he knows that the person who just came into his office is Jeff Satur, his pretty boyfriend. Jeff texted an hour ago that he was going to visit him after his schedule, mentioning an estimated time of arrival. Jeff walks towards Bible and when Bible is within reach, he turns Bible's chair and sat on the man's lap, hugging him.

Bible is unamused, he automatically circles his arm on Jeff's tiny waist as Jeff sat down on his lap, folding his leg to reset next to Bible's thigh. Jeff's arm circled Bible's neck, burying his face in his neck as he inhaled the other's scent. Bible pushes his chair to his desk, quickly saving his documents before putting his attention on his clingy boyfriend.

Once his file is saved, Bible wraps his arms around Jeff, slithering inside Jeff's blazer. The moment Bible felt skin instead of fabric, he froze and leaned back, taking a look at the outfit Jeff is wearing. Black slacks, a black blazer, and a crop tank top. A. CROP. TANK. TOP. Not only that, but Jeff is also wearing a necklace with a heart pendant, the one Bible bought for him. Jeff looks seductive in his lap, and so he stares

"Do you like my outfit?"



"Huh? O-oh! Yeah, you look so fucking hot in it"

Bible holds Jeff by the waist, digging his fingers into Jeff's flesh as he pulls the other man closer making their crotch brush earning a groan from both of them. Lust filled both of their eyes, Bible's hand gripping Jeff's bare waist, making the man move against his lap.

Jeff bares his hands on Bible's chest, fisting Bible's white blazer as his hips follow Bible's movement. He softly moans as his crotch is pressed deliciously against Bible's. He leaned towards Bible's face, kissing the man under him passionately, letting the man slither his tongue into his mouth, opening up for him submissively.

Bible's hands move towards Jeff's perky ass as they kiss, grabbing them and squeezing them as Jeff continues to grind onto his crotch. Bible drinks down Jeff's moan, loving how only he can see this sight of Jeff, so putty in his hands. Bible reaches out to Jeff's blazer, tugging the clothing off of Jeff and throwing it away somewhere on the floor.

Once the blazer is out of the way, Bible latches his lips on Jeff's collarbone, sucking them before moving to Jeff's neck, licking a stripe then sucking on it, making marks. Jeff moans loudly, loving the feeling of his boyfriend's lips on him, as he keeps moving his hips.

"Hng~ Bib~"

"Feels good?"

"So good~"

Bible grins at the man on top of him, his hands sliding underneath the crop tank top Jeff is wearing, tracing the other man's nipple as Jeff keeps on grinding on him. Bible rubbed both Jeff's nipples with his thumb, his face going back to the other's neck making mark after mark on Jeff's pretty skin.

Bible then pulls off Jeff's tank top and immediately latches to Jeff's nipple, earning a groan from the man. Jeff holds onto Bible by his shoulder, one of his hands settling on Bible's hair, tugging them as Bible licks, sucks, and bites on his nipple.

"Ngh~ Bible~ S-stop"

Bible stops his movements, leaning back with a questioning look, as Jeff catches his breath. After a while, Jeff leans to Bible and gives the man a soft quick kiss.

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