More & More (SMUT)

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Bible was home, laying in his bed on his tummy as he scrolls through Twitter, waiting for Jeff to come home. Jeff has a schedule and has told him that he'll be back by 8PM, so Bible decided to wait for him while he waits for people to update pictures or videos of Jeff on Twitter

Bible glance at the clock, it's 5PM, and he's sure there should be at least a couple of pictures of Jeff uploaded, so he refreshes his feeds and was faced with pictures of Jeff in a white shirt and black slacks, hair framing his face gorgeously. Bible hitched a breath, as he stares at Jeff's most recent pictures.

Bible opened his chat with Jeff and texted him to not change when he was done with his schedule. Bible shifted his body, now laying back as he keeps on refreshing and scrolling through pictures and videos of his boyfriend, gasping or groaning at nearly every single one and commenting on how HIS Jeff looks so fucking good.

Time passed and it was past 7PM, Bible has been doing nothing but scrolling through Twitter when suddenly his notification (specifically set for Jeff) rang. He opened it and read that Jeff will head home soon and at that exact moment, Bible made up his mind. Bible wants Jeff, no, Bible NEEDS Jeff.

Bible threw his phone to his side and stood up from his bed, he went towards his bathroom and quickly freshen himself up. He brushed his hair, making sure he's hair is soft and fluffy and then changed his clothes to softer ones, he ends up wearing Jeff's oversized hoodies and shorts then headed to the leaving room to wait for Jeff.

Bible sat on his living room couch, a pillow in his hand with the tv on as he waits for Jeff. Soon enough Bible hears a rustle on the front door, implying that his man has arrived and seconds later the front door opens.

"I'm home!"

"Welcome home, Jeffy!"

Bible walks up to him and circles his arms on Jeff's shoulder, hugging the older. Bible buries his face on Jeff's neck as he felt the other's arm circling his waist. Bible inhales Jeff's scent, loving the musky yet sweet scent from the older. Bible slowly pulls back from the hug, giving the older a soft sweet kiss before he nearing his lips towards the other ears, breathing on it.



"Fuck me, please?"

Jeff makes a strangled noise, he was caught off guard as when it comes to bedroom activities, Bible would usually be in charge as he's the dom out of the two. Jeff, on the other hand, is the receiver, being the pliant and submissive one out of the two. From the very beginning, Bible has always been the giver and Jeff is the receiver. Jeff was definitely surprised when Bible suddenly ask to be fucked, nothing against it but this is a first for him.

Jeff pushed Bible away in shock, grabbing the other's arm as he stared at Bible. Jeff's mouth opened and closed, trying to find words to explain the insides of his mind. While Bible looks at him questioningly.

"Jeff? You good?"

"I-You w-want me to fuck you?"

"Yeah? Are you weirded out by that?"

"NO! Um, No... It's just..."

"It's just?"

"I never... really topped before..."

"Oh? Never?"


"Not even with a girl?"



"I do want to fuck you though..."

"You can. There's always a first for everything right?"

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