I Like That [SMUT]

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A/N: It's been a while since I wrote smut...

Jeff was in his studio, waiting for Bible to arrive, it had been about 30 minutes since the younger texted him that he was on the way. Jeff can't wait, it's been too long since he saw the younger, and he can't wait to have him in his arms.

The bell to his studio rings, and he jumps up on his feet and opens the door, what greets him makes his eyes widen and his mouth agape. Bible is in a pink sweatshirt that has parts where you can see through them as if it's just strings.

I can rip that sweater easily, Jeff thinks to himself, as he scans the younger, he sucks in a breath as he realized that Bible is wearing pink shorts. Jeff can't help but let out a groan, how is he supposed to keep his hands to himself when the younger looks ravishing?

"P'Jeff?" Bible asks, his head tilting to the side as he stares at Jeff who seems to be in his own mind.

Jeff snaps out of his daze before his eyes darkens, he grabs the younger by his wrist before pulling him into his studio and slamming him against the door. Jeff lets his hand wander up to the younger arms, to his shoulder, and to his nape,

Jeff holds onto Bible's nape before smashing his lips against the younger, earning a gasp from him. Bible's hands went to Jeff's chest, fisting onto the tanktop that Jeff is wearing, groaning as Jeff's tongue slithers into his cavern.

Another gasp left Bible's lips as he felt Jeff's hands slip into his sweater, caressing his side. Bible can't help but let out a moan as Jeff starts kissing his neck, moaning as the older bites onto his neck while his hands slip into his short.

Bible bites his lips as he presses his legs together, suddenly feeling self-conscious. Jeff's fingers brush his hole, and so he gasps, but then whines as Jeff pulls away from him, though his hand is still inside his shorts.

Jeff looks at him with a glint in his eyes, his fingers brushing his hole once again as if confirming something.

"You're wet. Did you prepare for me?"

Bible nods shyly, his cheeks reddens as the older chuckles, he circles his arms around the older's neck before pulling Jeff flush onto his front, burrowing his face onto Jeff's shoulder.


"Such an impatient baby"


Jeff leaves no gap between them and his fingers once again find it's way to the younger's hole, feeling how it's so wet, he doesn't take his time with Bible, and immediately plunges 2 fingers into the younger, earning a jerk and a shriek from Bible.

Jeff was impatient, so he didn't let the younger adjust and started pumping his fingers into the younger, he didn't take long before adding a finger as he held the younger by the waist.

Bible moans at the penetration, his dick is hard and leaking and his hole is clenching on Jeff's fingers, he shivers as Jeff mercilessly pumps his fingers into him, his legs shaking at the pleasure.

Once Jeff deemed that Bible was ready, he pulled his fingers out of Bible without warning earning a gasp and a jerk from Bible. Jeff shoves down Bible's shorts and panties before turning him over.

Bible's front was flushed against the door, gasping as Jeff's thumb spreads his cheeks, ghosting against his hole, he unconsciously pushes his ass towards Jeff, earning a chuckle from the older.

Bible can hear Jeff discarding his pants before then closing their gap, the older presses his hands onto Bible's waist and noses his nape, without a warning he slips into him, earning a jerk from Bible.

Bible's legs feel like a jelly at this point, but he doesn't even care right now, all he wants is to be fucked by the older, so he moans out to the older, asking for more and begging the older to fill him up.

Jeff fucks into the younger mercilessly, his hips snapping into Bible's prostate, fucking the younger dumb. He groans onto Bible's skin, as he keeps on going, his hand slithers down to the younger's front, gripping onto the younger's dick, and starts pumping it.

Bible gasps before he starts squirming, he begs Jeff to stop, feeling himself getting overstimulated. Jeff doesn't listen, pumping the younger mercilessly, and soon enough the younger came spilling in his hands with his head thrown back.

Jeff wasn't done yet with Bible, he held the younger by his waist and walked back towards his chair, bringing the younger to sit on top of him, Bible's back facing him. Jeff has his legs spread as he grabs Bible's waist to lift him.

"Put it in, Bible"

"Phi Jeff..."

"I said put it in, Bible"

Bible grabs Jeff's dick into his hands, he's overly sensitive by how brutal Jeff fucked him, but he knew he should listen to Jeff. He bites his teeth as he guides the older's cock into his hole, before then lowering himself down.

Bible grips on Jeff's thighs as he sinks the older's dick, stopping once Jeff is deep inside him, he took a couple of deep breaths, trying to adjust, but Jeff is not having it, a dark gaze clouds the younger's gaze.

"Move, baby"

Bible moves, he lifts his hips before slamming himself down. Jeff's hand on his waist tightens and before he knew it, Jeff is moving him to his liking, manhandling him to bounce on the older's dick.

Bible pulls his hand from Jeff's thighs and instead holds onto the table in front of him, he moans, gasps, and screams as Jeff fucks into him, deeper and deeper. Bible is sure he can feel it, he gasps as Jeff's hand settles into his lower belly.

The younger screams as Jeff pressed into his lower belly as he fucks him, he can feel Jeff so deep into him. Next thing he knew he came for the second time, this time untouched. Jeff soon follows, spilling inside him.

Jeff brings the younger into a backhug and leans back, letting the younger rest on him. Once the both of them took a breather, Jeff reached out to his drawer and pulled out a plug. He gently slips out of Bible and immediately plugs the younger up, earning a soft moan out of him.

Jeff adjusts Bible's position, so the younger is sitting on his lap sideway, as he hugs the younger by the waist, Jeff kisses the younger on the lips then the cheeks and then his forehead.

"You look very pretty in the sweater, Baby. I can't resist"

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