Okami [Bonus]

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It's been two weeks since Okami has been staying with Bible and he can't say he was much delighted with the presence of the cat. Don't get him wrong, Bible loves cats and has a huge soft spot over them but not when a certain cat is trying to steal his man.

Ever since Bible took care of the white cat, Jeff would visit frequently the younger place to visit the said cat, and as ridiculous as it seems, Bible is starting to get jealous of the cat. He still takes care of Okami, he likes the cat but not if Okami and Jeff are in the same room.

At first, Bible is okay with everything, Okami is a sweet cat, never making much mess, and is always nice and sweet to not only him but also Grey and Akuma but when Jeff visits, it's as if Bible, Grey, and Akuma never exist, and same goes with Jeff.

Jeff has been visiting very frequently, the first couple of days the older one would visit with cat stuff for Okami, he bought cat foods, a collar, treats, and toys. The older started visiting with the thought of spending more time with his younger boyfriend but the more he visited he can't help but swoon and coo over Okami.

Currently, Jeff has once again visited Bible (for Okami). The younger is sitting down on the couch, with Grey on his lap while Jeff is on the floor in front of him, cooing over Okami. Bible huffs at the older, bringing Grey into his arms and hugging him.

Jeff is playing with Okami and ended up ignoring the younger, who ends up pouting. He ends up splayed on his belly as he plays with Okami, and Okami seems to be in love with Jeff, following the older wherever he goes, playing with him, and giving kisses.

Bible looks at them with a pout, he tries to get the older one's attention but failed miserably, so he sat for a couple of minutes with a frown on his face before going to action. He stood and walks toward Jeff and Okami before grabbing the latter, who immediately meowed in protest, and brings Okami to his room, and closed the cat inside his room.

Bible went back to Jeff, who is looking at him in confusion, then plopping himself on Jeff's lap. He sits on the olders lap, faces to face, and hugs Jeff, burying his face in the olders neck. Jeff, on the other hand, is in shock, finally realizing that Bible is probably jealous that he's giving more attention to Okami than the younger.

"Jeffy, why aren't you hugging me back? Do... Do you not like me anymore?"

"Oh, Darling. No, I like you very much"

"But... But you only care for Okami"

"Is Bibs jealous?"

"PFT! NO!"

"You don't have to be so defensive, Bibs"

Bible whines into the olders neck and smacks him, pouting as Jeff laughs at him but finally wraps his arms around the younger. Bible melts into the olders arm as Jeff's hands made it's the way toward his head and starts petting him, and soon enough the younger is getting sleepy as minutes pass.

"Phi Jeffy is mine... not Okami's"

"Hm, Bible's"

"Mhm, Bible's Jeffy. No- *yawns*, No one can take away Bible's Jeffy"


"Love, Jeffy"

"Love Bibs, too"

Jeff lets the younger fall asleep in his arms before then standing up with Bible in his arms and going to the younger bedroom. Okami greeted them as the older opens the door, following the both of them as Jeff walks towards the bed and gently put the younger down and tucked him in before then settling beside the younger and hugging him while Okami jumps up to the bed and settling on the side of Bible's head.

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