Late Night (SMUT)

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Jeff's schedule is packed and he's getting little to no sleep for the past months. He badly wanted to complain but it's such a good opportunity and exposure for him, so he can't decline them.

Jeff, is currently in his studio, staring blankly at his computer. He felt drained, both emotionally and physically. One person's name pops up in his mind, Jeff then picks up his phone, scrolls through his contacts, and stops when he saw the name he thought of.

'Bible'. Jeff stared at the phone number and contemplated if he should call the man or not. He glanced at the clock on his desk, it was midnight. Jeff doesn't want to interrupt Bible, but he badly needs him near him... so Jeff calls Bible.

'Please, pick up' Jeff silently prayed. While waiting for Bible to pick up, Jeff just remembered that the man was in the company with his brother Jonathan and coincidentally Build was there too. Jeff's face turned slightly sour, he had to admit he has a crush on Bible, a huge one mind you, but he's not convinced that his feelings are reciprocated. Jeff then hovers his thumb on the 'end call' button, when he hears a voice speak through his phone.

"Jeff?" Jeff's heart dropped, and he regrets calling Bible.

"Jeff? Jeffy? Are you there?" Jeff heard Bible's voice sounding confused as he is not saying anything through the phone. Jeff took a breath and started speaking.

"Um...H-hi..." Jeff finally answered Bible, he felt nervous, he badly wanted to say he accidentally called him and hang up, but this is Bible who we're talking about. The man that stole Jeff's heart.

"You okay?"


"Wanna tell me why did you call late at night?"

Jeff stayed silent for a while, contemplating if he should be fully honest to Bible or if should he make up a lie so Bible won't know that he misses him. 'Fuck it' Jeff thought.

"I miss you..." Jeff softly said to his phone, his face reddens. He's thankful that Bible is not there to see him like this.

"Hmm? Can you repeat that?" Bible said teasingly.

"You heard me the first time!" Jeff whined as he whipped his head to look at his phone. He glared at his phone as he heard Bible giggle.

"I wanna hear you say it again," Bible said softly. Jeff hunched his back and huffed, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"I miss you"

"I miss you too"

Jeff opened his eyes and stared at his phone, his heart raced, he never thought once a bit that Bible would miss him. "Are you serious...?" Jeff slowly questioned.

"Mhmm... should I prove it to you?" Jeff's face contorted at Bible's response, he glanced at the clock and saw that it was already past midnight. "How?"

"See you soon then," Bible said through the phone before hanging up.

Jeff stares at his phone in confusion, his mind racking hard trying to guess what Bible means by his words. Jeff's eyes widened in realization, 'It can't be... no way...'

Jeff hurriedly glanced down at his clothes, he was wearing a white oversized button-up and black slacks. 'Good enough.' He then grabs the mirror that he keeps in his drawer, fixes his hair, and stares at his reflection. 'Tired, but not bad.' Jeff puts back his mirror and leans back on his chair, he covers his eyes with his arms. 'I really shouldn't get my hopes up.'

Jeff glanced at the door. '15-20 minutes that's how long it'll take Bible to arrive if Bible rushed from his place.' While waiting, if Bible is gonna show up or not, Jeff decided to open his social media account, to be specific he's scrolling through Bible's account.

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