Eat My Love (SMUT)

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Bible just got back from dinner with his family, there was no special occasion on the night but his family decided to hold a dinner, so he went there. Once done with dinner, Bible rushed back to his condo, hurrying because there was someone waiting for him. In the middle of dinner, Bible received a text from his boyfriend, Jeff, which consists of a "Hurry home" and a picture of a mirror picture of his boyfriend, naked, holding a rope.

Bible opens the door to his condo slowly, he puts away his shoes and sets it away neatly before strutting towards his kitchen, he took his time there, pouring himself a glass of water and drinking it. He looks at the time and decided to see what Jeff has prepared for him. Bible grabbed two water bottles and starts walking toward their room.

Bible neared the door, eyes furrowing as he doesn't hear any sound from outside the room. He knew damn well when Jeff is in the mood or in his playful mode, he would be loud, to the point he'll be able to hear Jeff play with himself from outside the room. Bible slowly grasped the door handle and opens it, the moment the door is wide enough for him to see the room, his eyes darkened and his pants strained.

Jeff is in bed, naked and splayed, his legs bent and open, his thigh and ankle tied together with the rope he took pictures with, Shibari. It doesn't stop there though, Bible's breath hitched as he scans Jeff's body, not only he's tied up, shibari style, in a blindfold, he has a ball gag strapped into his mouth, a cockring, and what seems to be egg vibrator up in his hole.

Bible walks to Jeff, standing in front of the man, watching as Jeff breathes heavily and twitches. He raised his hands and traces along Jeff's thigh, a growl escaping his lips as he realized that there was something on Jeff's dick, a plug is inserted into Jeff's dick.

Jeff's whimper snaps out of Bibles trance and he immediately discarded the shirt he's wearing, leaving him in his black jeans before pulling the blindfold off of Jeff. Jeff's eyes are out of focus, clouded with lust, he whimpered through the ball gag.

Bible caressed Jeff's cheek before his hands went down to Jeff's chest, flicking his nipple before going down towards the latter dick, gripping it he pumps a couple of times. Jeff's eyes are blown open as Bible strokes him, a muffled moan escaped his lips, eyes rolled open, and drool starts seeping out of the gag.

"Feels good?"

Jeff could do nothing but nod, his clouded gaze finds Bible and he whimpers, his hands struggling a bit, wanting to touch the other man. Bible smirks, before his hands leave Jeff's dick to his hole, earning a whimper out of Jeff.

Bible tugs at the string that is attached to a vibrating plug inside Jeff, earning a moan. He tugs a couple of times, not quite pulling it out when suddenly Bible's fingers went inside Jeff's hole. He pushes in slowly and once he felt his finger touch the vibrating object in Jeff, he pushed it deeper.

Jeff's body arched at the way the toy vibrated against his prostate, his breaths got heavier, tears starts pooling in his eyes, and his body starts twitching. Bible grins at Jeff's reaction before then pulling his fingers and the vibrator out of Jeff, earning a muffled scream and a glare from the latter.

"You rather have this toy up in your ass or my dick"

Jeff answers with a moan, his glare turned into a pleading gaze. He whimpers at Bible and stares at Bible's pants with a frown. Bible chuckles at this and starts undressing his pants, then he stood in front of Jeff with his underwear, earning a frown and whine from the latter. Bible lets out another chuckle before kissing the latter's forehead and then taking his underwear off.

Bible then scoots Jeff over, letting the other settle in the middle of the bed before flipping the latter over. Jeff, now positioned into a bound doggy position immediately adjust himself, spreading his leg wider for Bible. Bible traced his hands through Jeff's spine before grabbing a globe of Jeff's ass and pulling it apart, watching as Jeff's hole twitched.

"You prepped yourself real good for me huh?"

Jeff whimpers and nods, his ass pushing back to Bible, wanting the other man to hurry and fuck him. Bible gives in, positions himself, and starts pushing his dick into Jeff's hole, he sinks into Jeff slowly, kissing the older's back to his neck, suckling and making marks on Jeff's skin.

Jeff whimpers as Bible fills him up, tears pooling in his eyes. He's sensitive all over, as he has been in the position, with toys in him for a while. Tears fell down Jeff's cheeks as Bible starts to fuck him.

Bible groans at the tightness, one of his hands on the mattress, holding himself up, while the other settles on Jeff's lower belly. He fucks into Jeff slowly, enjoying the drag of Jeff's heat, earning more whines and whimper out of Jeff.

Bible starts picking up his pace, groaning onto Jeff's back while Jeff starts sobbing. Bible groaned and his hands went from Jeff's neck towards his neck, bringing Jeff's face up, he caressed Jeff's cheeks before unclasping the ball gag. Jeff took a deep breath before moaning loudly, followed by a sob.

"P-please *hiks*"

"Please what baby"

"C-cum *hiks*"

Jeff's body shudders as Bible thrust harder and deeper. The younger of the two's hand cups the older's chin before shoving his finger into his cavern. Jeff moaned and suckled onto Bible's finger, panting onto it.

It doesn't take long until Bible's thrust starts to stutter, his hands going down towards Jeff's neglected dick and his finger circled around the urethral plug, pulling it out then pushing it back in, earning a scream out of Jeff.

Jeff sobs and whimpers, taking in what Bible's giving, his body twitching at every sensation on his skin, and it doesn't take long before he starts mumbling nonsense, so far into the pleasure and lust he's feeling.

Bible thrust a couple of more times, taking Jeff's urethral plug out before cumming in Jeff. Jeff follows after a couple of strokes of his dick, his body convulsing as he cums hard.

Bible breaths for a couple of seconds, before tugging out the rope on Jeff's body, loosening it. Once Jeff's body is not tied up, he flips the man gently, brushing the older man's hair before kissing his temple and tear-stained cheeks.

"You did so well, Jeffy"


"My good boy"


"I love you"


Exhaustion creeps onto them, and they decided to clean up once their energy is back. Bible brought Jeff, whose eyes were already closed, into his hug, circling the other's shoulder before giving the latter a kiss and then shutting his eyes.

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