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A/N: Does anyone miss my JeffBible work?? hehehe Here's a short updateee


Bible stared up at the stage, to be exact at the man on the stage, his lover, his sunshine, his Jeffy. He watches as the older starts choking up after calling out his name, tears start to well up in his eyes as he watches Jeff cries.

"I'm so proud of you" Bible whispered.

Barcode, who sat beside him, mumbles about how he has a crybaby for a phi but helps wipe the tear that runs down his cheeks. The two chuckles before focusing back on Jeff, this time smiling at the older, who's smiling back at them and continuing the show.

Once the show ends, Barcode and Bible slowly slip away from the rest of the audience and head backstage, waiting at a room designated for them as Jeff wraps up all the photo sessions with fans and staff.

Barcode plops onto the couch and immediately pulls out his phone, probably texting Ta or playing a game. Bible sat next to the younger, letting his head fall back as he thought back on the couple of months that he spent with Jeff.

When he first met Jeff, Bible thought that the man was handsome, charming, and confident, the way he walked and the way he brought himself seemed so eye-catching, he probably fell for Jeff at first sight.

As they get to know each other, Jeff turns out to be funny yet adorable, he has a softer side of him that not a lot of people know, and by 'soft', he means the caring and parenting side of him.

Bible and Jeff got close pretty quickly after that, especially with Jeff being able to speak English, the two hit it off from the start and the next thing they knew, they'd go everywhere together.

Bible twisted his head to the side, looking at Barcode who was starting to grumble about Jeff taking so long. He reaches his hand out to the younger, ruffling his head before telling him that Jeff would be here in a bit and to wait patiently, earning a huff from the younger.

Barcode, the guy who becomes Jeff's partner for the series, when the younger was announced to be Jeff's other partner, Bible can't help but feel jealous, but that doesn't last long when one day, Barcode innocently looks at him and ask if he and Jeff are dating.

Bible remembers stumbling over his words, as at that time, Jeff and him aren't in an official relationship yet, he remembers the way Barcode grins before mentioning how Bible definitely likes Jeff, and from then on, Barcode starts acting like a wingman.

Instead of a wingman though, Barcode ended up being like his and Jeff's son, the younger seemed to enjoy spending time with the both of them, he goes to Jeff whenever it's music-related or acting-related and to Bible when it comes to schoolwork works and when he needs something fixed, Barcode especially goes to both of them when he wants food.

The three of them, soon enough, ended up being referred to as 'the little family' by the other cast members and friends, and soon after that Bible and Jeff started to officially date (this made Barcode the most excited one for some reason).

The door opens and Jeff grins at the sight of Bible and Barcode, the two seem to not realize that he's already in the room with them, so he plops in the middle of them causing the two to look at him.

Barcode reacted first, the younger immediately beamed at him and then hugged him and told the older how he was proud of him. Bible, on the other hand, took his time to get a good look at his boyfriend. Jeff ruffles Barcode's hair as he thanks him, before looking at Bible, who's staring at him.

There are times when Bible could see another side of Jeff, his vulnerable side. He remembers one night when Jeff suddenly went to his house without notice. Bible was confused but he let Jeff in anyway, who is he to shoo his own boyfriend away?

That night Jeff ends up breaking down in front of him, which shocks him but Bible comforts him, holding him and listening to whatever it is in Jeff's mind. It breaks his heart when Jeff doubts himself, and Bible vows that he'll always be there to remind Jeff of how much of an amazing person he is.

"Aren't you going to give me a hug too?"

Bible snaps out of his gaze before smiling at the older, shuffling closer to hug him. Bible wraps his arms around both Jeff and Barcode, the younger seemingly comfortable getting his hug.

As Bible loosened his hug, now face to face with Jeff, the older pouted his lips asking for a kiss, to which Bible doesn't hesitate to give. The younger gave Jeff a peck on the lips, but as he was to pull away, the older put his hand on his nape and deepened the kiss.

"EW! How could you kiss in front of a baby???" Barcode huffs, as he gets out of Jeff's hug.

"Baby?" Bible questioned as he pulled away from the kiss.

"Me! I'm the baby!!!" Barcode exclaimed as he crossed his arms on his chest.

Jeff can't help but laugh as Bible looks at Barcode ridiculously, though he can't deny that it's true that Barcode is basically a baby but sometimes it shocks him to hear how blunt the younger can be.

"Should we head home? Your place?" Jeff asks once he calms down from his burst of laughter, looking at Bible.

"Sure, but heads up, we need to keep it PG since Barcode will be staying at my place."

"Ew, I don't need to hear this..." Barcode mumbles as he covers his ears.

Bible shakes his head before standing up, followed by Jeff and Barcode before heading out of the venue and to Bible's car. Barcode immediately hops in behind while Jeff goes to the passenger's seat.

The ride was mostly silent, besides some moments where Barcode would sing along to the playlist playing. Once they arrived, they were greeted by Bible's cats, Okami immediately rushed towards Jeff, meowing as the cat paws Jeff's feet.

Jeff coos at Okami, carrying the cat to the sofa where he plops down immediately kissing and cooing at Okami. Bible shakes his head, the older definitely has a soft spot for the white cat.

Bible and Barcode head inside too, Bible walking towards Grey before carrying the cat and sat next to Jeff while Barcode heads to the guest room to take a shower before heading to sleep.

Jeff and Bible spent a bit more time with the cats before retiring to their room, they freshened up and wore their pajamas before huddled up in their bed. Jeff immediately cuddles up to the younger, hugging Bible to his chest.

"I'm so proud of you" Bible mumbles as he rests his hand around Jeff's waist.


"Very much, you were so amazing on stage"

"Only on stage"

"Well..." Bible said teasingly

Jeff pokes Bible's waist, earning a giggle from the younger, who then looks at him with those sparkly eyes he fell in love with. Jeff can't help but close the gap between them, deeply kissing him as if everything he wants to say can be conveyed through the kiss.

"I love you too" Bible mumbles against Jeff's lips.

Sometimes they just know what the others are trying to say without words. They are connected like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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