Meet Mochi!

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A/N: A little word vomit before I go to sleep! I'm lowkey salty at Bible after he introduced Mochi because... THAT'S MY DREAM PET T^T Anyway, hope you like it!

Jeff likes cats, he owns 13 of them, so when he started dating Bible, who at first only had Grey, he was the reason why Bible ended up adopting more. Jeff is happy with the addition of more cats between them, it's like having a kid, but then one day Bible excitedly went to him and announced that he adopted a spider, a tarantula to be exact.

Jeff wasn't a huge fan of spiders, insects, or reptiles but seeing the way Bible beamed so brightly at him, the way he was so excited over the tarantula he named Fenrir, Jeff tried to toughen himself and accepted the spider into the family.

Jeff thought that it's gonna be just him, Bible, the cats, and Fenrir and that if Bible was planning to adopt another pet, it would be another cat. He thought wrong.

It's been a while since Jeff has met Bible, with all their schedule being packed, Jeff with his tours and Bible with his preparation for his next series, it took them a while to have a day to themselves, a day where both of them are free.

Jeff enters Bible's place and is greeted by Akuma, who walks between his legs and meows. He bent down before picking up Akuma and announcing himself that he was there, soon enough footsteps were heard and a figure rushed towards him.

Bible is on his couch with his new pet, he's excited that he'll be spending the day with the older, and once he hears Jeff, he rushes towards him, jumping at the older.

The two kissed and only separated as Akuma started to fuss in Jeff's arms. The older puts the cat down before circling his arms around the younger's waist, bringing him into another kiss. This time Bible broke the kiss off and grinned as he did.

"I want to introduce someone to you!"

"Hmm? Who is it?"

"Meet Mochi!!"

Bible puts his arm in front of Jeff, all this time a ball python was chilling in his hands. Jeff gulps before he lets out a squeak, shuffling away from the snake.

"Phi? Are you scared??"

"Bibs, what the fuck??"

"Isn't Mochi cute!!!"

"NO! That's scary!"

"Hey!!! Don't say that!!" Bible huffs before focusing on his ball python and whispers "Your papa is stupid, don't listen to him. You are beautiful and cute, okay!"

Jeff gapes at Bible, he wants so badly to make Bible abandon the snake or whatever it takes to not have it as a pet but Jeff doesn't want to see the younger's smile disappear.

Jeff had taken notice that Bible would always let others have their way with him, always saying that it's fine, but with him, the younger has come out of his shell and learned to be a bit more selfish for himself.

"Phi! Mochi is not scary! It's okay!!"

Bible excitedly drags Jeff to his couch before he starts chattering away about Mochi, from how he first met her to how he ended up adopting her. Jeff finds it cute as Bible talks while convincing that Mochi is cute and gentle, and Jeff believes him (of course he believes him, Bible is basically his universe).

"Do you want to try to pet her??"

"Will she bite?"

"Not if you're gentle!"

"Okay, then"

Bible guides Jeff's hand towards Mochi, who seems to perk up at the new person, she ends up slithering into Jeff's hands when the man opens his hands out.

"I think she likes you!"

"Does she?"

"She definitely does, she probably recognizes you as her Papa"

"Mhmm, this isn't so bad"

"I told you! You'll love her in no time"

True to his words, Jeff ends up having a soft spot for the ball python, finding her weirdly cute yet a bit stupid. He ends up being fond of her and asks for pictures of Mochi once in a while from Bible, not forgetting the others too.

Though Jeff and Mochi have bonded, there is still Fenrir that Jeff hasn't bonded with, the older doesn't mind Fenrir but he doesn't seem to have an interest in playing with the spider. Bible could only hope that one day, Jeff and Fenrir's bond would bloom too.

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