I Feel Your Love

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A short BibleJeff / JeffBible AU, from Barcode's POV. 

 A/N: I suddenly imagined Barcode being picked up by Jeff and Bible, so I wrote this. I hope you enjoy it!

Barcode is sitting on his living room couch as he waits for Jeff to arrive, he was texted by the older that he'll be picking him up and heading towards their company together. Without being told, Barcode knew Jeff won't be picked up by Jeff alone.


Hearing the sound of honking, Barcode quickly grabs his things and heads out. He grins as he saw two people waving at him from an open window. He picked up his pace and entered the back seat, putting his stuff beside him and buckling his seatbelt before greeting the two older guys that are sitting in front of him.

Jeff is in the driver seat while Bible sat beside him on the passenger seat, both looking back at him as he finished buckling. He then watches as Bible grabs something and offers it to him. A set of snacks and drinks is presented to him by the older man, and he takes them thankfully, immediately opening the drink and taking a sip.

They then drive off to the agency, it takes a while to get to the agency so Barcode decided to go through his social media. Throughout the ride, Jeff and Bible would talk in soft voices, speaking English here and there, and would randomly ask Barcode questions as they talk.

At one point Jeff and Bible got so into a certain topic and is speaking English, so Barcode to the time to watch the two older men in front of him. He can't help but smile at the sight of the older males in front of him.

Jeff and Bible are in a relationship, dating each other after nearly a year of knowing each other and Barcode is one of the first people that is informed by them about their relationship. It wasn't a shock to Barcode when they admitted their relationship to him as Jeff and Bible frequently picked him up and bring him back home.

Barcode has watched how they acted before they started dating, the two have always gravitated towards each other. He can see how Jeff would always sneak a look at Bible and how Bible would always stare at Jeff as he drives, blushing when he stares a bit too long.

Barcode would like to say Bible fell first, from the very start he can see the older would shyly look at Jeff, blushing when the oldest would talk to him and looking flustered every time Jeff insist on bringing Bible home. There is a distinct difference in reaction and action on how Bible is with Jeff and with the rest.

Barcode is sure of something though, despite Bible falling for Jeff first, Jeff falls harder. Since he and Jeff became partners for the series, spending lots of time together, Barcode can't help but see how Jeff changes when he's with Bible.

Jeff always exude this certain aura, it makes people stop and turn to him and people would feel like they want to approach him but is scared or hesitant to do so because of how charming Jeff is. It isn't a wonder when Jeff is involved in the series, other actors will gravitate towards him, going for a small talks, lunch, dinner and hang out.

Barcode can conclude that even if other people gravitate towards Jeff, he'll only gravitate exclusively towards Bible. From the very start, Jeff is the first to approach Bible, talking to him, inviting to eat together, and even inviting Bible to go to Studio On Satur, which is a private and secluded place where no one else is allowed to enter.

Not only that, Jeff takes it up upon himself to be Bible's personal chauffeur. Yes, Jeff will pick him up too and drive him back home but it's different. With Bible, Jeff would agree to bring the younger everywhere. He remembers texting Bible, late at night and asking when is the older available, since he wants to ask Bible to tutor him and was shocked when he was sent a picture of Bible in Jeff's car with the older one driving.

Barcode snapped out of his daze as Bible suddenly asked how was his school, questioning him if he needs any tutoring, while Jeff is driving with one hand, the other on Bible's thighs, with a soft smile on his face. Barcode nodded at Bible, telling him how exams are coming up and he definitely needs tutoring, to which Bible nods at him and tells him to send the materials that needs to be tutored.

Barcode's heart warmed at the interaction, he loves it when he's in the same car with the two of them. People may think that whenever he's in a car with Bible and Jeff, he'd be a third wheel, being left alone, and is not included in their conversation when in reality it's not.

Ever since Jeff picks up both Bible and Barcode, it's as if Jeff has decided to adopt Barcode with Bible. The two acting like parents for the youngest one. Jeff would indulge him with anything music related, even getting the Studio On Saturn privileges, while Bible would indulge him foods and helping him with his school.

Barcode loves them, at it shows. They always spoil him in one way or another and so, he would always make sure none of them is exhausted, always make sure they eat, and would always make sure that they know that they're loved. It doesn't matter what other people says, but he loves them and needs them in his life. They are one of his pillars in his life.

Barcode concludes that Jeff and Bible are definitely ment for each other and that he's glad that he can see how it all happened.

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