Part of Your World

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A/N: Finally updating my JeffBibla au hehehe I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE BIBLE KNOWS HOW I LOOK NOW ASKLFJASKLFF 😭😭😭💕💕💕

Barcode stood in front of Bible's place as he rings the doorbell, he waits for Bible to open the door while scrolling his phone, getting ready to call the older if the door isn't opening

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Barcode stood in front of Bible's place as he rings the doorbell, he waits for Bible to open the door while scrolling his phone, getting ready to call the older if the door isn't opening. Once the door creeks open, Barcode grins and hugs the person opening it.

Bible was greeted by Barcode's grin and hug, he wrapped his arms around the younger before patting his head, he then ushers the younger inside, letting the younger settle down as he went and grabs some drinks.

Barcode went inside without much thought, he has been in Bible's place a couple of times now, so he was already comfortable and used to being there. He walked to the living room and dumped his bag on the couch before plopping himself on the floor, in the middle of the coffee table and the couch, and laying on his belly.

Barcode reaches his hands out to his front, grinning as he gently pets Okami, one of Bible's cats. He pets the white little cat before sitting down and picking the cat up and placing it in his lap and stroking Okami.

Bible soon emerges from his kitchen bringing a couple of cold canned drinks, putting them in the coffee table before sitting next to Barcode. He took Okami from the younger one before instructing him to prepare.

"Nong, prepare your stuff na"

"Okie, Phi!"

"Did you do all your homework?"

"No... I need help with integrals"

"That's fine, we'll go through integrals today, okay!"

"Okiee. By the way, Phi..."


"Is P'Jeff also coming?"

"Mhm, he said he'll come after his meeting is done"

"Oh? Okay then!"

Jeff, Bible, and Barcode end up being close to each other, it started with Jeff and Bible who clicks it off from the very start, both being English speakers and their house in the same way. Then comes Barcode, who was recruited late and is partnered with Jeff, he was awkward at first as they have an age gap, but Jeff has taken him under his wings, taking care of him and helping him grow his musical skills.

Being close with Jeff, Barcode can't help but be close with Bible too as Jeff would pick them up and drop them off, they bonded through studies as at one point Bible saw Barcode struggling with homework on set and volunteered to help, ever since then Bible has been Barcode's personal tutor.

Then Jeff and Bible happened, the two started dating and Barcode got to see the process of it. Once the two older started dating though, Barcode can feel a shift in his relationship with them. It's not negative though. Ever since Jeff and Bible started dating, Barcode slowly comes to realize how much the two act as parents to him.

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