Happy Late Birthday

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Bible rushes toward Jeff's studio, aka Studio on Saturn, he has promised to meet the older not long after Jeff's birthday but due to both of their packed schedule, they end up canceling and rescheduling a couple of times.

Bible glanced at his watch, cursing under his breath as he was late for the promised time, he hurries to Jeff's studio and once he arrived, he immediately input the studio's key code and enters. (Boyfriend perks hahaha)

Bible burst into the room, exhausted and gasping for air, dropping his bag near the door, his eyes caught with his older boyfriend ones. He brings his hands up, telling the older to give him a minute to breathe. He catches his breath before then stalking toward Jeff.

Jeff huffs at Bible's figure, he's not that surprised nor pissed that the younger casually just barge into his studio (he has gotten used to the younger barging in), but he has been waiting for the younger for so long (less than an hour). As childish as it may seem, Jeff missed the younger so badly and it's been too long since they met.

Bible walks towards Jeff, who's sitting on his studio's sofa and plops himself next to the older, immediately wrapping his arms around the older, jutting his lips out into a pout as he looks up at Jeff.


"What is it, Bible"



"That's not my name *Huft*"

"It is Bible. Bible is your name, Bible"



"I was about to ask for forgiveness but nevermind *hmph* Jeffy is mean"

Jeff can't help but smile at the younger, he wraps his arm around the younger as he chuckled. He hugs the younger tightly, bringing his hands up to stroke Bible's head, patting the younger as he pouts at him.




"Stinky Jeffy"

"I miss you"

"I miss you too"

"I miss you, Bible"

Jeff chuckled as Bible whines against his shoulder before yelping as the younger bites into his shoulder and smack his back. Jeff then felt Bible tightens his hug, nuzzling into his crook and bringing himself impossibly closer to Jeff.

Jeff manhandles Bible to reposition the both of them, he brings Bible to lie down on top of him, not minding the youngers waist as he slithered his hand onto the youngers back and rubs it with Bible burying his face in the crook of his neck.

Bible lets himself be moved by Jeff, not minding at all when he was repositioned, only burying his face further into Jeff's crook. He inhaled the older's scent and nuzzle into the skin, sighing in satisfaction as he was in his lover's arms.


"Hm? Yes, Bible?"


"Hahaha. Yes, Darling?"

"Happy Birthday"

"Thank you, darling"

"I brought you a gift"

"You don't have to..."

"I wanted to"

"Thank you, sweetheart"

"I'll give it to you later"

"Why not now?"

"Don't wanna leave your arms..."

Jeff hums as he nuzzles into Bible's hair, kissing the top of the younger head as he lets Bible bask in his arms. The two stayed in the position for a while before Bible starts fidgeting.

Bible broke free from Jeff's hug and silently went to his bag, he squats down and starts rummaging through his bag looking for his gift for Jeff, and once it was found he grabs hold of it and heads back to Jeff.

He casually plops himself onto Jeff's lap, facing him and the older immediately circling his arms around his waist. Bible silently gives his gift to Jeff, nudging him to open it.

Jeff grabs the gift and opens it, marveling at the gift he was given. It was a retractable pocket blade, a similar one or maybe the same one as what Bible owns. He once mention how cool it looks and looks at the blade with huge interest when Bible showed them off to him a couple of months ago.

Jeff smiled at the gift before he grins as he looks at Bible, nearing his face towards the younger, he puts the wrapping and box beside him before claiming the youngers lips.

Jeff kissed Bible with no rush, enjoying the feeling of the younger lips against him. He circled both of his arms around Bible's waist and brings the younger flush against him.

"Thank you, Darling. I love it!"

"You're welcome, Jeffy!"

"I can't believe you remember that I like this one"

"Of course, I remember. What kind of boyfriend am I if I don't know all the little things of yours."

"I love you"

"Love you, too. Wait, there is still something else"

Bible moved to grab the blade he gave Jeff, which he then protracts the blade and shows one of the sides of the blade to Jeff. He grins at the older as he waits for the older to react.

Jeff looks at the blade and his eyes catch a carving on it, he squints his eyes and reads the two letters, B and J. His heart warms and he grins at Bible before grabbing the blade, retracting them, and placing it beside him before bringing the younger into a heated kiss.

"God, I love you so much"

"I love you too, Mr. Satur"

"I love you."

"I love you, too"

"I love you, Bible"

"I love you, too, Jeff Worakamon Satur. Now, can you get back to kissing me?"

"I love you"


"Okay, Okay. One kiss is coming up!"

With that the two spend their day in Jeff's studio, cuddling and lazily kissing as they listen to the older's work.

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