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Plot ;

Hopeless romantic Rainela inlove with sweet Kate and thinks she has no chance with her until Kate starts showing signs of love towards Rainela. I wonder how she will react to this new information of Kate flirting, being really sweet to her and more stuff like that.

Rainela's pov

I've always been an hopeless romantic, liking people yet knowing that they probably don't like me back. It's sad honestly coming from me. Something about Kate tho makes me really crazy. It's just, she sweet, caring, kind, loyal, beautiful, and so much more. Noone can ever replace her. I've been friend with Kate for years. It's just now that i've fallen for her. Why? Was it her sweetness? Her intelligence? Her looks? Well honestly all of those is probably what made me like her, most importantly tho is probably how she always flirted with me, kissing me on the cheeks, always being around me and stuff. Thats what definitely made me fall for her. Yet i think she does not like me even tho she kisses my cheek, is always with me, and always flirted with me. I've always had people flirt with me all the time so with Kate, i thought it was normal until one day when we were walking home from school because class ended and we lived next to eachother so we decided to walk home. I was holding my phone on my other hand when suddenly i felt Kates hand hold mine. I blushed at the sudden movement of the girl and looked at her. She blushed when i looked at her clearly flustered face, then she looked away. I went back to my phone literally blushing the whole time we were walking. We saw a park in a ways so then we decided to sit down before walking home again. I texted my dad that i might go home late and he said alright but said make sure that me and Kate both stay safe. We sat down in a bench at the park and started talking. We were talking until my friend Alhea chatted me.


Yo? where r u.
You said we were going to
finish our english project when
you get home????

Bro stfu i'm literally with
Kate rn we just took a break from
walking and we r in a park rn

Bro stay safe, i'lll let you
slide on this one bc Kates their
but pls lets finish our project
when you get home

alr alr

Stay safe girlieee

I then look at Kate and started talking to her. A few minutes passed and then suddenly the offed fairy lights around us turned on. We knew it aould happen because we had passed this park before at night but we didnt know it was this beautiful. We were sorrounded by flowers so i didnt notice Kate took a few. We then got a hold of eachothers hand. We both blushed clearly flustered at whats happening right now. We went to a non flower crowded space then both looked eachother in the eyes. I-"ve always admired Kates eyes because of how beautiful her eyes were. She then shooked her head,

"Rainela, i have always wanted to do this
yet i never had the gut too because i thought
you were way out of my league, i have gathered the strenght now to do this tho in this beautiful park."

She said while taking one of the flowers on her other hand behind her back.

"I love you Rainela. More than a friend. I would understand if you don't like me back but this is my confession."

She added while putting the flower in my ear as she tucked a strand of my hair behind aswell. I was blushing the whole until she said,

"Well, will you accept this flower m'lady?"

While bowing down to me.

"Only fools would reject such an amazing offer from such an amzing person. So of course i will accept you flower."

I replied as i took the flower and bowing aswell. She saw my formalness and blushed at the sighting. She then pulled me into a hugged then kissed me in the lips. I blushed and got flustered in the scene and saw Kate giggle.

"Don't need to be shy now darling, feel free to be you around me because i am yours now m'lady."

She said bowing down again. I was full on red now because of this. We decided to go home tho because it was getting late. As we were walking, we started holding eachothers hand now and blushing now and then. When we got to out homes tho we had to be apart so we kissed for a last time until going in our houses. I decided to tell my father about it.

"Hey dad can i talk to you? This is really important anf i really just want to tell you."

I told him.

"Of course darling, you can tell me anything, i will never get mad at you for anything unless its really bad, but go on darling."

My dad replied at me.

"I'm bisexual, and i'm..dating Kate. Kate Nathalie, my classmate that i always talk about and always with."

I said to him while fiddling with my fingers. He was shocked by the sudden news but then replied,

"Well congrats hunny, i'm glad you founf someone who loves you for you and treats you right. And its okay that you're bisexual, i totally support you darling! Don't worry about anything just know that i will always support you on anything you do unless its bad."

As he pulled me in to hug me. This went better then i expected so i was really happy about it. I decided to just tell my friends about in school tommorow so that it would be a surprise for them. I just hope that my classmates can be as supporting as my father.

> The next day <

I woke up and got ready for school, ass i got my things ready, Kate was already there,

"Hey sweetheart! ready to go now?"

She told me while walking up to me.

"Yeah i'll just get my id real quick."

I said while blushing and going to my closet and taaking my id. I putted my id on and took my bag and lunch bag and started walking while holding hand with my girlfriend as we're walking to school. As much a i got anxiety from th people looking at us becahse of our holding hands, i was proud of myself. We then got inside our school and into our classroom, still holding hands. Everyone looked at us shocked about us. We then walked to our seat and sat down while talking to eachother. The whole day everyone was asking us questions. I just turned them down until the end of class. At the end class as we stepped foot outside the school we were already on the way to that park again for alot of stuff. When we got to the park, we ssat down on the bench ehere we first sat then kissed eachother.

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