Too much

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I had this whole thing planned out and then i forgot what i was gonna write for plot. So i'll just write what comes to mind since i have no idea what i was gonna write before this bruh

Sigfryd and Duke are always together they were a couple so yeah it would make sense for them be always with each other and stuff. Sigfryd had always thought that noone could change that. Until someone did.

Sigfryds pov

Me and Duke were always together. We were always called soulmates, the best couple, all of that. We always laugh when someone says that. Amd mostly LKL says that. Well me and Duke had alot of the same interests too. And we had been dating for 2 years. Nothing could ever change our feelings for each other. We had always had a promise to love each other no matter what. I had never thought of even him cheating on me or stuff like that. And so did he. Our relationship was fine but ever since this ew girl came in our class, it seemed like he was more interested in her than me. I was always okay with him finding intesrest in other people unless they started flirting with him and stuff lile that. I wasnt controlling. I was fine but just had few boundaries. We've always thought that our boundaries was enough. Him flirting with people was okay because we knew it was a joke since i do it too but this one was different. I've never even seen him look at me like that. He even stares at her too much that sometimes he gets in trouble for it. I never felt these stuff before because we loved each other for 2 years now. No way did i thought he would throw 2 years out of the drain. I had never thought of him cheating before either so i felt more scared and anxious by the days come by. He ignores farther the days go on. The more he ignores me the more i get anxious. I've told LKL about this and im glad they're their to comfort me from these stuff. I was always scared of these stuff happening. I only thought this would never happen because Duke used to reassure me about this but now he's just.. Gone. I didnt feel okay for a few days. I stayed home for a few days since i was sick.

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