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Chloe and Duke love each other. They can't deny tho that sometimes its hard for them to love each other. There was alot of reasons to whh it's hard to love each other. Arguments are one of those reasons. They don't often get into arguments. They had been dating for 2 years. Their arguments weren't that bad until they got to this new school.

Chloes pov

I love Duke. There is no lie in that. But sometimes its hard to love him!
He always flirts with other girls, i know it's not that bad but right infront of me?
I'm not trying to be contorolling, i just want to understand why he does this?
For his own entertainment? As a joke? To piss me off? I just want to know.
Arguments are rising faster then our agruments before now. We dont usually argue but this new school really changed him.
I want to listen to him, i want to understand him, i want to help him, but it feels like he just keeps pushing me away rather then before.
He doesnt push me away, he always tells me anything that he wants too. So do i but, it feels like he's hiding something from me. I don't know what it is but i really want to find out.
He seems different as from before this new school. We've only been here 3 months and he's changed really fast at the course of the time that we've spent here.

~ At their shared dorm ~

I was just in our shared dorm reading a book when i heard him go through the door. He didnt even aknowledge me! He didnt even say hi or even glance at me. I felt sadness rain through my body after he just ignored me like that. It felt as if he didnt even know me. It felt as if he we arent even dating. I was sad thinking about this that i couldnt even put anything else in my mind. I thought maybe i could go say hi to him, maybe he'll aknowledge me.

"Hey Babe, how are you doing?"
I asked him while waving and smiling.

"Hi, i'm okay."
He responds to me coldly.

"Are you okay? you seem a bit distant lately, i just wan't you make sure you're doing okay."
I respond to him still smiling.

"I'm okay alright? Can you go away!"
He responds to me harshly.

"Are you sure? You seem angry-"
I said as it gets cut.

He yells at me harshly.

"You could've just said leave me alone like a actual human being."
I reply slowly as tears fall from my eyes.

"Like you would've left me alone at that point!"
He yells at me again.

"You know what? We're over. You seem like you like Rainela better since i see the way you look at her. Even if we're across here in our classroom you still seem to stare huh? How about you go rot in hell with her!"
I yell at him as i wipe the tears in my eyes.

"Fine! I've been waiting for this moment ever since then! Bye!"
He yells at me as he stood up and took his luggage.

I saw him take his luggage and goes to his closet to take all his clothes and put them in his luggage. I watched him the whole time sobbing. I didnt even try to stop. It was then i realized that he wasnt the perfect boyfriend i thought of marrying, and having kids with. It wasnt the Duke i fell inlove with at sixth grade. But then again i remember that love isnt always what it seems like.

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