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Amora had been on Midgard for almost fifty years now. To her it felt like a lot more than what it had been. Since she had been banished from Asgard, all she could do was think about what Loki was doing now.

Was he missing her?

Was he trying to find her?

Did he even fight with his parents to get her to stay or to return?

Through the years of being on Midgard, she had done some terrible things, but now she was living in a small town called Westview, in the State of New York. She had been everywhere she could think of, looking for various items, artifacts, and spells that would help her to get back to Loki.

Finally, she had found something that would help her find him.

She sat there, in the middle of the room, that was barely furnished. The walls scribbled with Asgardian runes, the making of her own binding spell.

She knew once she got Loki to the house, she could complete the ritual and he would be bound to her for eternity. It was what they both wanted. As Loki didn't want to be married, or tied down to just one person, for the rest of his life. Amora had figured that this way was the best option. He would be able to go out, have his mistresses, but he would still be able to come back to her.

It would bother her, that he looked for comfort in others, but Amora knew that was what Loki needed. Its what he craved. He had a thirst for pleasure and women, sometimes she just wasnt enough.

As Amora gathered the items, and put them into a bowl, she thought back to the last time she saw Loki. Taking a deep breath, letting the memory take over.

Amora had been trying to cast the binding spell. She had already foreseen, in Friggas seeing mirror that her and Loki would at some point have a family. She had seen their children, how they looked like him and how happy Loki was.

Before she could perform the enchantment, she was caught and brought before Odin in the throne room.

He sat there on his large gold throne, holding his staff and looking down on her, with one eye. She saw the disappointment on his face. After all she had the potential to be the next enchantress for him. That was her reason for living there in the palace. She was being taught by the Enchantress herself.

"Amora, you have committed treason, how do plead?" Odin barked.

"I have committed no treason Sire" Amora replied, her head held high.

Loki and Frigga walked in through the other door. Her eyes met his, as she saw it on his face that he was shocked at what was going on.

"Father, what is the meaning of this?" Loki asked, standing there on Odins right.

"Amora was caught casting a binding spell"

She took a deep breath.

While Loki looked at her, shocked. She didnt need to deny it, he saw it written on her face, that she had indeed done this treasonous act.

"You have pleaded not guilty, when you are guilty of this crime. Trying to use dark magic against a prince of Asgard Odin stood up. Do you really think that someone like yourself will ever have the chance to be with a prince, Amora?"

Instantly, she brought her eyes back to Odin, furious that he should look down on her. Like she was a nobody.

"You will be removed from here. Banished from Asgard. You shall never return. If you do, you shall be executed" He said. Take her away

The guards grabbed the tops of her arms, and began dragging Amora from the bottom of the stairs. She quickly looked around at Loki, with pleading eyes.

"Loki, dont let them do this. Dont let them tear us apart. You know we are meant to be together" She yelled, as they dragged her out.

Loki said nothing.

What could he do?

His fathers word was final.

And he was stunned, too stunned to plead for her.

"You will regret this Odin. I will have my revenge. Just you wait and see. You will all regret this" Amora screamed, as they took her out of the throne room.

Amora pulled back from the memory, the look on Lokis face still there when she closed her eyes. She could see the hurt in his eyes, tat he was devastated she was taking from him.

"I will come back for you" Amora said, as she dropped the last thing into the bowl.

The contents started hissing, as they fused together. She then quickly chanted the words, and looked into the mirror that sat in front of her.

"Loki, Prince of Asgard. I seek to find you" She whispered through the smoke.

Moments later, the mirror started to look like it was made from liquid, as her reflection changed.

She watched as she found the little cabin in the woods. Smiling as she thought it had been the perfect location to live.

Quiet and peaceful.

The image changed, showing her inside the house, Amora watched as Loki walked into the lounge area, having come from upstairs. Her breath was taken at his beauty. His features hadnt changed in all the time they had been apart. He was just as handsome. As she looked at his clothes, she realised he was living here on Midgard. Causing her heart to leap into her throat, as she thought he was looking for her.

Until seconds later, she watched as others walked into the house, from another door.

Amora looked over at the two children, looking at them both, knowing they were young, but had grown up fast. Clearly Asgardian children. But the boy was the one she had foreseen in the mirror. He had been the one, she thought herself and Loki would have.

Loki hugged them both as they walked in, before another woman came in, Amora felt her hatred instantly, as she saw this was an Asgardian witch. She could sense her magic, how powerful she was. And that she was married to Loki. They spoke, before she walked over to him, kissing him.

Amora pulled back from the scene, not wanting to see anymore. She stood up, feeling the rage, as she grabbed the bowl and threw it across the room, then smashed the mirror.

"Just you wait. I will save you Loki. I will not let her think she can use her magic to tie you down my love" Amora hissed.

Then she headed out of her house in search of information on this woman, who she was and what powers she possessed.

The Banished Love - series The Asgardian Witch (book 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now