chapter 12

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Athena was worried about her parents. She kept having a bad feeling about all of them. She had only been in Asgard a few days, and she was frustrated that nobody would tell her anything.

There was one person who did.


Things grew between them, they were very close. It had been happening since she first arrived in Asgard, almost a year ago. But nobody knew about their relationship. Athena knew this was the man she would be spending the rest of her life with. She just had to find a way to explain that to her father, especially after what she had overheard.

Frigga had tried to keep both of the children occupied and busy, but she knew for Athena, it was hard. So, she let her do what she pleased, knowing she was more than safe there.

Athena decided to take a walk around the gardens. She was trying not to think about her parents. She knew if anything bad, like a death, had happened, Athena would be able to sense it.

"Good afternoon princess"

Athena quickly looked up at the sound of his voice, finding Fandral walking towards her, in his blue clothing. A smile playing on his lips and love twinkling in his eyes.

He bowed his head in respect.

Athena could never get used to this treatment. She knew from a young age, she was of royal blood, but to have people bowing, curtseying and calling her princess, felt strange.

"Afternoon Fandral. How are you?" She asked.

Fandral closed the gap.

"missing you, beautiful lady" He whispered, then as if from nowhere, he produced a flower for her.

Athena giggled as she took it from his finger tips.

"Its beautiful. Thank you"

"May I join you?" He held out his arm for her.

She slipped hers through it, and they continued walking.

"Any news on your parents?" Fandral wondered.

Athena sighed, but slowly shook her head.

"I just wish Odin would send them help. Or father would let me know something" She sighed, biting her lip.

Fandral stopped walking, putting his arms around her, hearing her upset.

"Im sure they will be fine. Your mother is one of the bravest, toughest witches Ive ever met"

Athena opened her eyes, looking across the other side of the fountain. And gasped, freezing as she starred at the woman, she barely recognised.

Fandral quickly looked around, ready to protect Athena, seeing the figure standing there. She was unclean, not solid, they could almost see through her.

The figure raised her head a little, looking at the palace.

Athena sensed she was weak, but the way she looked at the view. She clearly missed it.

"Identify yourself" Fandral barked, about to pull his sword out.

She slowly turned her head, her eyes meeting Athenas.

"Mother" Athena whispered.

She moved her mouth to speak, but no words came out and she began fading.

"NO. MOTHER WAIT" Athena ran around the fountain, to where she was.

Fandral by her side.

But by the time they got there, she was completely gone. Athena looked around frantically, hoping she was there. But they saw nothing.

Athena began crying.

Fandral quickly held her close, before suggesting they talk to the queen.

Athena stood in her grandmothers private chambers, with Fandral, explaining what she saw. Frigga never dismissed the possibility.

"And you are certain this was your mother?" She asked.

"I could feel her love for the view of the palace. She was exhausted Grandmother" Athena said. "She looked like she was dying"

Frigga looked up at her.

Before quickly getting up and grabbing things around the room.

"Grandmother, please, we have to help her"

Frigga nodded.

"We will. First, you need to find her" Frigga put the mirror down on the table, surrounded it with candles, that she lit with a wave of her hand.

"Athena, this is my scrying mirror. I need you to use it, to find your mother"

Athena looked worried.

"Why cant you do it?"

"Because your mother appeared to you. Meaning she reached out with her heart. I believe in you, you can do it"

Athena slowly walked forward, then sat down. She glanced over at Fandral who smiled encouragingly to her.

"Concentrate. Focus your thoughts on the person. Let the image come to you" Frigga said.

Athena took a deep breath, at first she thought of her mother, but accidently her mind wandered to Fandral, causing the image to shift to a large white tent in the middle of a large green space. Athena saw the flowers, the lights, then Fandral in a suit.

Clearly she was seeing there future together.

Quickly she pulled back, got up from the sofa, her cheeks turning pink,

"Athena?" Frigga asked.

She was shaking her head, unable to look at any of them.

"I cant"

Frigga went over to her, placing her hands on the tops of her arms.

"You can" She soothed gently.

"What if I see something I am not supposed to see?"

Frigga smiled.

"We only ever see what we are meant to see. And I believe you can do this"

Athena looked over at Fandral, who looked worried. She took a deep breath, then sat back down. Once more, she concentrated on her mother, blocking out everything tat was around her.

It happened almost instantly. The mirror looked like it had turned to water, as the image focused. Athena could see the woman lying on the floor, chained up to the wall. She could feel the place was magically protected, and Aria was losing hope.

Athena looked around the dark room, to see if there was anything there to tell her where she was.

Athena exhaled, letting the image change.

She saw the outside of the house.

Then the street.

Eventually the name of the town.

The image then quickly went back to her mother.

"Were coming for find you mother. Just hold on a little longer" Athena said.

Aria raised her head, like she had heard her daughters words.

Then the image faded.

Athena quickly got up, she knew she had to go get her.

"I'm going to get my mother" She said.

Frigga was about to deny this, but she knew she couldnt stop her from going.

"I will protect her my queen" Fandral said.

That was when she realised how they felt about each other.

"Take Volstagg and Hogun too. Be careful. Return here if you do not find her, and we shall try once more" Frigga said.

Athena hugged her grandmother, before they quickly left the room.

The Banished Love - series The Asgardian Witch (book 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now