chapter 6

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Loki tried everything he could think of to locate Aria. He knew he could find her using his own magic, but nothing was working. Loki couldnt find her, he couldnt even connect his mind to hers.

There was nothing but silence.

He knew Amora was behind it all. The reason he couldn't get a fix on his wife.

Loki decided to stay in the compound with the children, to try and help the search for Aria.

But after twenty-four hours, Steve can see that Loki is exhausted, and frustrated, and extremely worried. When he starts going over the places they have already checked and ruled out, Steve begins to lose his patience with him.

"Why are you acting like you have any responsibility Loki. If you hadnt been cheating on Aria, with this Amora, none of it would be happening" Steve finally snapped.

"You know what youre talking about Rogers" Loki barked back.

"Dont I?" Steve took a moment. "I've watched one of the kindest, the most beautiful people I know, go through hell for the last month. All because you decided she wasnt enough for you. That she wasnt what you needed. You didnt deserve Aria, you still dont. So dont stand there and tell us what to do. You dont care for her, like we do"

"You mean like you do Steve, right? After all, youre the one still in love with her"

Steve stood there looking back at him. He couldnt find the words to reply, because he knew it was the truth.

"Like I said, you dont know what youre talking about. So, go put your head to better use and help me find my wife" Loki said.

Thor turned to his brother, feeling the tension running high in the room.

"Loki, its time you took the children up to mother. Let her take care of them, while we search for Aria" Thor said. "And you can update them on the whole situation. Maybe Heimdall can locate her"

Loki didnt want to, he knew what his parents would say, that they would be disappointed that his plan had failed.

The Banished Love - series The Asgardian Witch (book 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now