chapter 10

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Loki couldn't settle, he paced the lounge, going over everything. He had a feeling it wasn't Aria lying back there in the hospital.

He thought back to the day he taught Amora how to shapeshift. She had perfected it fast, and had been working on the voice changing as well. Loki now wondered if Amora had managed to finally do it all.

Thor walked in, late that evening, finding his brother pacing the lounge. Looking agitated.

"What is it brother?" Thor asked.

Loki looked over, not sure he should say anything, but if there was one person who would believe his doubts.

It would be Thor.

"Something is bothering me about Aria Loki said. I dont think it is her"

Thor chuckled, shaking his head about to make some joke, when he realised Loki was serious.

"What do you mean?"

He was about to explain all the little things that didn't add up, when he got a sharp pain on the side of his head. Loki quickly put his hands up, hissing as the pain intensified. Along with a loud ringing through his ears.

Thor rushed over to his side.

"Brother, whats wrong?" He asked, worried.

He had seen this happen before, to Aria.

Loki held up a shaking hand, as he took a few deep breaths. He recognised the Witches Call. He forced himself to concentrate on the noise, as he closed his eyes, letting it take him where it began.

Loki felt the call pulling him, that it was directly aimed at him.

Making him wonder if had it wrong about Aria, lying in hospital.

Loki closed his eyes.

And found himself in a small town. A large lighthouse close by. The noise was quiet here. So, he closed his eyes once more.

This time he was in a beautiful street. He saw the glimpse of the name, but mostly the neatly trimmed lawns. White fences. Roses. The noise here, was louder.

Loki opened his eyes again. The ringing was much louder now. Coming from inside the pale blue house he was standing in front of. A white front door. And beautiful flowers on either side.

Loki took a deep breath as he closed his eyes again. Feeling the change in the air, and the place darkened around him. When he looked this time, he saw he was in a basement, with a small light coming from one corner.

It smelled damp, and unclean.

Loki could barely see anything.

He heard quiet muttering, slowly turning around, he just made out the outline of a body, curled up on the floor.

Then the body moved, just slightly. Loki heard the shackles clink against the floor. The person began muttering, chanting again.

His eyes adjusted in the darkness, like someone had turned on the light, and there she was.

There was Aria, beaten up and exhausted, in desperate need of a shower and food.

She was calling out his name, begging him to help her. He could see her dirty face was tear stained.

Loki went to step forward, feeling his body quickly return to his physical one.

Loki groaned, quickly opened his eyes, finding he was down on all fours, with Thor by his side. It took him a few moments before he could talk, to explain everything. He felt exhausted.

"Loki, what happened, you were mumbling and calling out to Aria" Thor explained.

Loki forced himself up onto his feet, his legs felt shaky as he reached for the kitchen unit. He took a long, deep breath, closing his eyes.

"Aria, I dont know if you can hear me. My love, We are going to find you. I promise" He thought.

Then he went on and explained all of this to Thor.

The Banished Love - series The Asgardian Witch (book 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now